My LoVe LiFe PrObLeMs 😭
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
This will be a looooooooooooooong rant ok? So I like this boy, well call him A. A had a gf who is my friend. She is E. So A and E liked each other for SO. LONG. Their parents don't let them date. But finally they did, and I was heartbroken we had a school dance coming up, and one of my friends can him J liked me and l knew it, but he's my FRIEND. And of course I didn't tell him about A bc that's my secret. Anyways at our dance one of his friends walked up to me and said "J wants to dance with you, he told me to tell you." And i walked towards j. One of my friends ships us and like pulled me towards him, and then I asked to talk to her. I said "I don't wanna dance with him bc he's my friend buy he's my friend and I didn't want to crush his heart" and so I had a long talk with her, and got a plan. I would go up alone and tell him kindly no. So I walk out and he's had the sweetest look on his face like shy hopeful and like a half slightly nervous smile. He's says "my heart is racing like 90 mph and I'm so nervous" but I just say " your... My friend. You are an awesome friend and a great guy but I don't like you like that" and J's face doesn't change but he walks away and I go over to my table and is immediately surrounded by friends and I start crying bc that was the hardest thing in my life and he's my friend and I want to stay friends. I go home and go to bed, wake up and I'm like "wait do I actually... Likr that guy!?" But pretty sure it's just pity and I have a three week Christmas break until I see him again to figure out out anyway if you read this thank youuuuuu share juicy love stories and advice pls |
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by -Liza-
hey i see that you're 12- there's no need to be focusing on boys at this point in your life! i did when i was your age and I regret it. focus on sports, extracurriculars, and school. Also my only advice would be to just not let it turn into drama- keep it between you guys and close friends.
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
@-Liza- yeah, I try but it just finds me ... I love school and drama and soccer and chorus and band and art and all the stuff I do, and I've tried to keep the drama low but... All the boys like me... It's hard to keep away from it even though I hate it.
2 months, 2 weeks ago by LoveVampyr
my ex’s hb is inlove w me LMAOOOO
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by Penguins24
all my crushes end in dead ends 😭 There's one that I've had on and off for like ten years but there's basically 0 chance I'll ever tell him...
Bracelet King
2 months, 1 week ago by tkd2010
@Penguins24 real 😖
2 months, 1 week ago by sourapples
Okayyyy sooooo basically I’m a freshman in hs and i do percussion and drumline and stuff and it’s like my main thing (i also do orchestra and private piano but that’s not important so) so i became pretty good friends with this guy J and i really really like him and i want to tell him but I’m scared that I’ll ruin the friendship and stuff and he’s a sophomore but he’s actually only like 4 months older than me so we’re pretty close in age. Q
2 months, 1 week ago by sourapples
2 months, 1 week ago by sourapples
Oops didn’t mean to post that early but like we do drums together (tenor drum) and we are around each other a lot and stuff and he’s super nice and friendly and he’s flirty sometimes but idk if I’m interpreting it as flirting when he’s js being nice or if he is flirting bc he js has a naturally nice and friendly personality but yEaH that’s my rant haha
Bracelet King
2 months ago by lee_geist
@martha9999 definitely take the time to focus on yourself right now. there will be drama no matter what and school is more important than some guy (most men really are just some guy (no matter how attractive)). value your friendships and build healthy habits before you get into high school (more drama there, i promise). |