thoughts on Christianity and lgbtq page 2
Bracelet King
1 week, 3 days ago by swimmer1
@slin what do you mean being gay isn’t a choice?
1 week, 3 days ago by slin
everyone says you could just choose who your attracted to but at the end of the day, you can't push those feelings away. If you are attracted to somebody of the same sex, you can't just turn straight. Conversion therapy has proved that in many peoples lives and left negative impacts.
6 days, 4 hours ago by Frnds4eva
i thought that in the bible it said man who sleeps with man is sin was translated later by historians that he author of that part meant man who sleeps with boy is sin. also if god made you who you are you can’t change if your apart of the lgbtq so then that means that god made you like that. believing that god made you how you are contradicts saying that god made you who you are so you can’t be lgbtq. please correct me i’m wrong im personally not apart of the community but i like having opinions and i do support the community
6 days ago by SavForever
@tkd2010 yes i agree
5 days, 22 hours ago by slin
@Frnds4eva I agree, so many verses lost its actual meaning in the bible and many use that against us. Thank you ❤️