thoughts on Christianity and lgbtq page 2
Bracelet King
2 months, 1 week ago by swimmer1
@slin what do you mean being gay isn’t a choice?
2 months, 1 week ago by slin
everyone says you could just choose who your attracted to but at the end of the day, you can't push those feelings away. If you are attracted to somebody of the same sex, you can't just turn straight. Conversion therapy has proved that in many peoples lives and left negative impacts.
2 months, 1 week ago by Frnds4eva
i thought that in the bible it said man who sleeps with man is sin was translated later by historians that he author of that part meant man who sleeps with boy is sin. also if god made you who you are you can’t change if your apart of the lgbtq so then that means that god made you like that. believing that god made you how you are contradicts saying that god made you who you are so you can’t be lgbtq. please correct me i’m wrong im personally not apart of the community but i like having opinions and i do support the community
2 months, 1 week ago by SavForever
@tkd2010 yes i agree
2 months, 1 week ago by slin
@Frnds4eva I agree, so many verses lost its actual meaning in the bible and many use that against us. Thank you ❤️
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 3 days ago by Aalijah
@Hanners you are right. We shouldn’t judge other people’s sins, that’s not our job. However, some of the Levitical laws were to keep the the Israelites safe from things that they couldn’t see and didn’t;t know about at the time, like the diseases that raw meats can give you. But others were because God didn’t want the Israelites from going against His design for reproduction, hence the laws about not try that with animals or people of the same gender or doing iot before marriage.
2 weeks, 3 days ago by lizp18
I'm Christian and definitely not straight and at my church when our pastor is out sick our guest pastor us gay.
2 weeks, 3 days ago by slin
@lizp18 nice to see someone else from the lgbtq community with a christian background! |
2 weeks, 3 days ago by lizp18
@slin thanks! 😊
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 2 days ago by Tacy-Cruz
as someone from both backgrounds I wanted to say that pastors can't be gay and if they are then they are not with the true church of Christ. They are probably a subgenre of Christianity. And if that's what you like then go for it. Just know that most Christians do not agree with you.
1 day, 15 hours ago by HaikyuFan
I think they should because the underlying message in Christianity is to love everyone no matter what. So that should include lgbtq people. I think people use religion as an excuse to be hateful because if gods love is unconditional why should there be an exception to that. I mean im an atheist myself so maybe I don’t understand what it’s fully like but i grew up in a religious household, so im not completely clueless. But i think people chose what parts of the bible to follow - and i know this could be contriversial but if we’re taking the bible that literally it asked you to gouge you’re eyes out or chop off your hands if you commit the sin of adultery and ive never seen Christians advocating for that. You can pick and choose which parts of the bible you take seriously. Anyway this is just my opinion i mean no harm to anyone |
1 day, 13 hours ago by craftyxgrl
being gay isn't a choice and god will love his children no matter what."But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) |
1 day, 11 hours ago by jffoley1
I grew up as a christian. A strong one as a matter of fact. Ima be brutally honest, I hated it. Going to church every sunday, okay, sure, but praying before every meal, and stuff of that nature, just didnt feel right. Still doesnt. Knowing that i could not share how I truly felt to my parents, I felt like my opinion didnt matter. I was always attracted to other men, when I hit the age of which I could pinpoint and understand my true feelings, which was about 14, I realized that its who I am, and there is no need to deny it. I walked right up to my parents one evening, and told them all about how, and why I felt this way, how long I had been keeping it quiet, and all that good stuff, only to be sent to my room for the rest of the night. That morning, lo and behold my parents had the preacher come and talk to us as a family. I wished I could just crawl up in a whole and die. He talked about how wrong it was for the same gender to like each other, how evil it was to be in a relationship this young (meanwhile my mom had me when she was eighteen and my dad twenty two) , how bad it was to say that I didnt find comfort in the lord, and that i dont belive it. And when he was done yapping he said "people like that are just a waste of space" Thats when I realized, these people are out of their minds. from that point on, I ignored what others thought, I was just myself, and it was great. Sure, there was tension every night at dinner, sure, there was no privileges to go out with friends, but I had my opinion out there, and that had been what I wanted. When i was starting to move out, my dad came up to me and said "Son, I love you for who you are. Whatever that may be, Im here for you..." And he went on, My whole world had shifted entirely, for the good. I had freedom to do what I want when i want, and I had support from my dad. It was all I could ask for. My mom, however, held on to her opinion, which is fine, as a matter of fact, its great! I want everyone to know that their opinion on WHATEVER topic, does matter, and they should feel the freedom to be themselves. I have nothing against christians, christianity, or anything like that. I love everyone and anyone for who they are. Nt everyone does, and thats fine. I mean, if everyone had the same opinion, life would get boring sometimes. Keep being unique, hold true to what YOU believe, not what someone else thinks, and. Be. Your. Self. ❤️ Feel free to message me, answer me, freind me, whatever, im here for you, if you ever want to talk, feel free to share your opinon as well 😉 ~ |
1 day, 2 hours ago by slin
@HaikyuFan thank you for your comment, I 100% agree with this perspective and feel like some Christians definitely pick which parts in the bible to use.
1 day, 2 hours ago by slin
@craftyxgrl agree!
1 day, 2 hours ago by slin
@jffoley1 I also grew up in the church and religiously attended sunday school. I don't necessarily agree with some of the views in our church and know they 100% think homosexuality is a sin, etc. There are probably a lot of closeted people in the church because of this environment, me included. I have only came out to my dad and some of my close friends. All of my immediate family members do not support the LGBTQ community and are against it. Thanks for the support!!