write two things
Bracelet King
3 months, 1 week ago by ElinBeck22
This is to write two things down one of the things is what made u happy, grateful, smile, or laugh today
The other thing is something that made u upset and anything related
I'll start

the thing that made me laugh today was probably seeing my little brother laugh so hard at this book he was reading idk why it was funny 😂
the thing that made me sad was probably finding out that my last volleyball game is next week 😢
3 months ago by SavForever
Today seeing other people smile at me made me smile, and the thing that’s sad is my last volleyball game is this weekend
Bracelet King
3 months ago by Zaan_13
Thing that made me laugh today were all the kids joking around in martial arts class ❤️
but the thing that made me sad was that this was my penultimate class before i have to quit 😭
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by unique_ly
Thing that made me laugh: someone sent a message in a gc that they were leaving soon and another guy responded by sending a voice message of him crying but was probably fake
Thing that made me upset: umm I’ve barely done anything im supposed to have