What are friendship bracelets called in your language?
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Arkengheis
I was watching an arts& crafts youtuber and she said she never made friendship bracelets because she didn't have any friends to give them to.I didn't have many friends as a kid, but just made bracelets for myself and occasionally family. I'm french and here we call them "Brazilian bracelets", so it never even crossed my mind that they were supposed to symbolize friendship. What are they called in your language ? |
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
In my language it’s pulseras de la amistad
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Arkengheis
@skytech what does that translate to literally ?
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
Pulseras is bracelets and amistad is friendship
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Arkengheis
@skytech ok that's what I thought ^^
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow29
I'm English (boring haha), so 'friendship bracelets'
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
3 months, 1 week ago by CrazyPiipi
im not sure is it the viral translation but we use "ystävyyranneke" 🙂 (friendship barcelet in finnish)
3 months, 1 week ago by Ni-Ki
In Japan we call it 組み紐ブレスレット, or Kumihimo buresuretto, because Kumihimo is a traditional braiding technique and buresuretto is a bracelet obviously haha 👍
Bracelet King
3 months ago by Tacy-Cruz
@Ni-Ki that’s awesome most people in America don’t know a different language. I wish to learn more about different cultures! It’s cool you know both languages. I took Japanese in high school but I didn’t really keep up with it afterwards 😢
3 months ago by Ni-Ki
Oh thank you! So few people in Japan learn a second language since Japanese itself is so hard, but I think learning a language is very useful so I am learning English.
Bracelet King
3 months ago by Craftybug5
You guys are right :]. Learning new languages is always so cool and useful ᯓ★ (and fun too lol)Here in Ukraine, we mostly call them «фенічки». There isn’t a literal translation (it’s a colloquial term), but some theorise that it *might* have been derived from the English word “thing” or “thingy”. You can also call them «браслети дружби» “bracelets of friendship”, though this term is less common and more formal. Some people still prefer it, especially in certain contexts! ദ്ദി´ ˘ `)✧ |
3 months ago by Takero
Well, in Russia the same as in Ukraine: «фенечки» or “браслеты дружбы», the first one is more usual
Bracelet King
3 months ago by itarosky
Btw although it's written the same in Ukrainian and Russian, the pronunciation differs a bit: in Ukrainian it sounds like [fenechka], in Russian it's more like [fienichka]
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by swimmer1
Friendship bracelets 😁😁😁
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by Calyre
En France c'est "bracelets brésiliens", mais je crois que je ne t'apprends rien ^_^
Bracelet King
2 months, 1 week ago by udora474
In Hungary:barátság karkötő (friendship bracelet) or indián fonat (Indian braid) Although the second name is not really correct, since these creations do not need to be woven... |
Bracelet King
1 month, 1 week ago by Walpurga
In german it is:Freundschaftsbänder Freundschaftsarmbänder or the cutiest version: Freundschaftsbändchen (very long words 😂 that is because in german we often put words together as one word instead of two or three seperate words, for example "playing the piano" -> Klavierspielen = "pianoplaying" , or Arzneimittelverschreibungsverordnung = Drug Prescription Regulation 🤪) translation: Freundschaft = Friendship Armbänder = Bracelets ("bands for the arm") Bänder = bands Bändchen = cute version of 'band' pronounciation: Freundschaft = Froindshaft Bänder = bender the 'ch' in german has no correspondation in english I think. There are two ways of speaking it, a hard and a soft way. In 'Bändchen' it is the soft way and sounds really cute ^^ |
1 month, 1 week ago by madimuddy
in chinese its 友谊手链 or 朋友手链"友谊" is frienship or "朋友" is friend and then "手链" is bracelet then in cantonese its 友誼手鍊. um my canto isnt fluent so yeah 😃 |
Bracelet King
1 month, 1 week ago by banankage
In danish its “vennearmbånd”!! “Venne” isn’t a word (“venner” is) but in danish lost of words are made up of other words and when you put “venner” with something else it turns into “venne” (it means friend) and “armbånd” means bracelet : ) (idk if that even made sense)