Most embarrassing moments!
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
I wanna hear about some of your most embarrassing moments ya'll! One of mine is the time that I mistook someone in public for one of my friend, and walked up behind them, and jumped on their back and yelled "BOO", they turned around and it wasnt who I thought and they were like" AHHHHHH" And I was like "SO DID I SCARE YA!?" And they were like " HECK YEAH" And I was like " WELL GOOD" And by then I was walking away , actually, no, I was running away, and I was outa there faster than a rat up a drainpipe! 😂 😂 🤪
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by fishyknots
ok today i forgot to tie my shoelace and i was walking in the hallway and I tripped and i fell on my back and my backpack and instrument fell down in a huge crash 💀 and everyone started laughing 😭 my knee hurt so bad lol
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Oop 😲 Hope your okay!
3 months, 2 weeks ago by amycrochet
I'll be honest, I tooted while playing Tennis. 🙈
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
okay so I worked at camp this last summer and I didn't do anything stupid to make me embarrassed that week and I was proud then the very last hour of the last day after they moped the gym me and my campers were racing and I slipped and ran into the wall and got a really big bruise on my hip it hurt and it was kinda embarrassing
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
So one time I was at some big store and I was looking at embroidery floss and this person startled me but my first reaction to being startled is karate chopping or kicking them and that time I kicked them and hit them right in the groin so I ran away faster than sonic and I’m still traumatized from that😅😅
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
Oooooooh I have a good one!!!!

So my school has like a select Bible study like the leaders pick the people in it and I was invited and I love it! My crush is one of the leaders there are only about nine ish people in the group so I spend a lot of time with him ❤️ anyways there is one microwave that the whole Bible study uses and I put my stuff on top of the microwave as another person was using it so I could be next and I put my stuff in the classroom we use. My crush walks out to put his stuff in and I'm like "hey I'm next" (we actually know each other pretty well so this whole thing isn't rude we are friends) he says"no u weren't out here I'm next" and I'm like "no my stuff is on the top" and we start "fighting". Then he puts his stuff in and runs of with his friend while it heats up but I'm like "nu uh MY microwave " and proceed to take it out. He has pasta and I have no idea that he cracked the lid but kept that on so I pick it up and IT FALLS ON THE FLOOR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I spilled my crushes food 😭❤️ anyway he was nice about it and said like it's fine but I felt really bad AND he had a soccer game after school and he didn't eat for like awhile I was so embarrassed....
Anyway......... I love him ❤️ super sweet, cute, funny....
The PERFECT person. He's also dating my friend
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
one time during athletics last year i was late to class and everyone was already in the track. and i didn’t want the coach to see i was late so instead of walking all the way around to the gate i decided to save some time and just hop the fence. well my foot got stuck at the top and and i fell on my face ❤️
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
I’m gonna be honest not a lot of embarrassing things have happened to me lately