Love life drama (Spill it here) page 2
Bracelet King
3 months ago by tkd2010
so i know this boy (he’s a year younger than me and we go to different schools- and prior to this we’ve only had like 1 conversation in like november of last year lol) well he added me on Snapchat like a month ago and i added him back bc i know who he is and he’s cool. he immediately started snapping me and asked me “wyd” and i responded and we talked for a bit. and like all of november we had been snapping and talking a lot. (we would send filters back and forth literally all night) well on saturday we were talking and he was having a bonfire at his house (mind you- it was already like 9 pm. so not too late but still) and he said “you should come over here” and i was like “what?” (i thought he sent it to the wrong person) and he was like “what?” and i said “you just said i should come over” and he said “yeah you should” and i was like “um no im good” and he was like “come on we have beer and food it’ll be a good time” (so i told my two best friends and they were like DO NOT GO OVER THERE. so i didn’t) so after i told him no we talked a little longer and now he completely stopped talking to me. he still snaps me but only like a few times a day (and only like half faces and random things) when we would literally snap all day. my friends think he just wanted to get me over and take advantage. but he’s so cute and i rlly enjoy talking to him. but if he just wants to mess around than it would be better of if we just leave each other alone
3 months ago by jffoley1
Erm... yeah, he was definitely wanting something other than just to hang out from you. An good call, stay safe out there ya'll
Bracelet King
3 months ago by ElinBeck22
okay so this last summer there was this guy at camp who I started liking and I had 5 people in the same week ask me if I like him and I knew that that week would be the last week I'd see him for a very long time (I still have't seen him since camp) and so then we kinda flirted with each other and then we lift camp and a week after one of my friends told me that his friend told her that he liked me so I knew I had to find a way to talk to him and so then me and my friends made a plan that I'd ask one of his friends for his number so I did and got it and we text once in a while then he called me once and then he kept calling me but before that after camp there's this guy who flirted with me but I didn't flirt back but he ended up liking me (I haven't seen him in a long time now thank God) lol
but I'm going to a co-op and my little sister likes this guy who likes me now she doesn't like him so that's just a little drama in my life 😄
3 months ago by PurpleRed
My crush of three years asked me to be her gf a couple days ago (:
3 months ago by jffoley1
So recently, you may know, my boyfreind proposed to me. I was thrilled. I said yes, and we had a great time that evening. We have barely talked since then, he's not answering my texts, and he barley picks up the phone now. Idk why... so I asked him. And he hasn't answered, its been 2 days now, im getting worried, what should I do?!
2 months ago by sourapples
@jffoley1 wish i could help u but I’m in high school so 😂
2 months ago by sourapples
anywayyyy so I’m going back to school on Monday after Christmas break and i really like one of my guy friends (he’s not in my friend group tho) and i want to tell him but he doesn’t seem like he’s interested in dating and I’m worried itll freak him out. He’s a grade ok
2 months ago by sourapples
*older btw
2 months ago by jffoley1
Lol, that reminds me of one guy I liked in school, and didn't know he wasn't gay, so we were friend for like, a whole year and when I finally made a move he was freaked out and confused. 😂 Oopsies. All awkwardness aside, that taught me to communicate before you act, so maybe talk to them, and casually bring up dating, maybe not dating you, but ask them something like "Have you ever been on a date?" Or something like that, but try not to make it to obvious.
1 month, 3 weeks ago by Ni-Ki
I know I posted a joke in this chain earlier, but in all seriousness there's a girl I've been liking since I met her in college a few months ago, but my friend, (Who I also met recently) has started dating her and it seems pretty serious. I didn't have the confidence to talk to her and now I regret it, what should I do? I don't want to hurt my friend but I can't seem to move on.
1 month, 3 weeks ago by jffoley1
Ni-Ki , Oof, thats a hard one. I cant relate, but If it were me, I would just... see what happens between them. If it gets any more "Serious" I would stay out of it. As hard as it might be to let go, its usually for the best. However, if you start to see them drifting apart, I would just talk to one of them. If it would be the person i liked, I would just get to know them some more. And if its your friend, then depending on how working your relationship is, I would just straight up ask them how things are going between them. Depending on the answer, I'd then think of what would be best to do next. I think it really depends on how dedicated you are. And it might be better to talk to another friend in person, and get their thoughts. That may or may not have helped at all, but oh well lol.