Love life drama (Spill it here)
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Im all of a sudden on a crave for some deep, juicy drama, it can be anything, and when I say anything , I mean ANYTHING😏 And if its relationship related, your secrets are safe with me 😉
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KirraPlays
so many things but can't think of any to postwell me and my male bestie tried to working of being something more then friends ,we video chatted and he said he wanted to take a break plus work on himself to be a better person for me , two months passed and I contacted him via message right before his birthday , (we live very far from eachother do to him moving far away) he said it won't work, I paniced and try contacting him a lot that night , I cried that night and next day tried texting and tried calling and each time he declines (day of his birthday , btw its normal in my fam to call or message to say happy birthday , what I wanted to do the night before) , he messages that we talk later , that night we had angery texted ( I was emotionally hurt and had mixed emotions ) , all I can remember from his one text "I'm not gonna disrespect my geusts by answering you " he blocked me in away to silence me on Whatsapp and on his youtube plus Discord, so I blocked him on everything else ,Pinterest,found his Twitch and blocked,TikTok left him a message on Discord ,calm message addressing a lot of things ,and we are both guilty, I told him it was his own decision to go work on himself and I didn't force him, and he could have handled things better then being so rude to me , so on and so on ended it with "P.S. Happy late birthday. oneday out of the blue he unblocked me on Whatsapp to apologize and I forgave him but was petty , best adulty kind message ever sent (and showed I handled things better even though I was super busy like he was ) PT2 coming next |
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KirraPlays
"Hey,we fight,yet you will always be my friend, some stuff we will get over with,but I forgive you and I'm sorry too, thats the maind part of the message, I can't lie I prayed to be able to atleast talk to you again, I felt so alone without you....I don't care about the relationship thing anymore, yes I was heart brokenbut hurts more loosing someone you've known for along time "next message was me just saying talk later I have to go to town in the most polite way as possible , that night hardly talked lol and less talk active since |
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KirraPlays
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Karma 😂
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KirraPlays
indeed 😂
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KirraPlays
keeps checking my status pics on whatsapp 😂
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Okay, i might as well share one of mine... lets see which maybe that time my sister was flirting with my boyfreind.... no.... maybe the time I was locked in a locker... no... too boring, maybe.... oh yes, yes, this one: "Get a room!" My mom doesn't support me, and so I kinda keep my distance, however just recently, I had to spend a week in a hotel room, heres why. So I have all my animals at my dads place, and my parents are divorced, reason my animals are at his place is bc I cant fit all of them onto a 1 acre plot, which is where I live, Ive been moved out for 2 years now, and I had to stay at my moms for a week because of a natural disaster, (we wont go into detail.) and my boyfreind just got back from a business trip, okay, well not really, he went to virginia to help his aunt move. So i hadnt seen him for a while. So I figured Ill invie him to my moms place while she's gone, it'll be fine, what can possible go wrong, well, turns out he missed me to, and well.. also turns out my mom got off work early ( I cant remember why, I think it was bc of weather, idk but she is an assistant principle,) and she came home.... early... and... erm... walked in on me and him, on the couch. And were ending there. 😉 But my mom was furious, she told me in him to get a room... litterally, and handed me some money for a hotel room. Thats why I never use the saying"Get a room" anymore. 😂 😜My crazy life. Anyways, Me and my boyfreind were wheezing by the time we got out of the house, We pulled over at a gas station, and I got in his vechicle, and well... erm... yeah, we finished up, and he went home, and I went to my dingy little hotel room. 😂 🤪 |
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
And my spelling skills are out the window
3 months, 2 weeks ago by -99john
I have the perfect story…So I have this friends, let’s call him Felix. So all through late elementary and middle school he had a crush on this guy named who we’ll call Oliver. At the beginning of high school Felix got over him and liked this girl and dated her for a couple of months. They broke up and he didn’t really care. This year, Oliver is in a lot of Felix’s classes and at the beginning of the year he told me that he liked him again. I was surprised since I was pretty sure that Oliver was straight and I thought he would’ve given up by now. The next couple of weeks Felix COULD NOT shut up about Oliver and it was actually getting a little annoying. After school one day I went to the park to play baseball and Oliver was there with his little brother and his little brother’s friend which I thought was sweet. They were playing tag or something and I was practicing my pitching, but I went to take a break and get a drink, then Oliver came up to me to talk. It was always weird for me around him because Felix talked about him SO MUCH and that’s all I could think about. Anyway, he came up to me and seemed kind of nervous so I was hoping he would tell me that he liked Felix even though that didn’t seem likely. He ended up telling me that he liked ME! And I was flabbergasted since I definitely don't like him and like I said, I thought he was straight. He sort of asked me out and I declined but as soon as I got home I texted Felix and told him what happened and he was sooo jealous but was happy that he was interested in guys and after that he really wanted to ask him to homecoming. He was about to ask him after school on time but got too nervous. He never asked Oliver to homecoming and really regretted it. Then, earlier this week I was walking home with Felix and I saw Oliver crying so Felix decided to comfort him. Felix didn’t want to walk home alone so I waited for him and they took FOR EVER so I decided to walk home. When I got back home Felix called me and he was so happy so I was excited and he told me that Oliver was crying because he actually liked Felix the whole time and only asked me to get closer to Felix and now they are dating and I am so happy for Felix because he has been wanting this forever. Sorry that was really long lol 😂 |
3 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
The longer the better 😂 And drama in school for me was INSANE One day I was straight, and not the next, so I can relate to that lol, but hey, what can I say, It builds character!
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
One time me and my friends were playing truth or dare and they asked me who’s my crush…. And I don’t have any(like I actually don’t have any crush) and they said that’s sad (IM NOT SAD ABOUT IT BECAUSE I WONT GET REJECTED!!!!!!!!)
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Ni-Ki
Ah, well, when you're 18 and someone tells you they love you you're going to believe them.
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
@Ni-Ki that's a line from a Taylor Swift song 🤣 cause when your fifteen, and somebody tells you they love you, your gonna believe em
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Ni-Ki
I know, haha! The only thing I remember from Algebra in 8th grade was my teacher saying "When you're 15 and someone tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them". I just changed it to 18 since I'm 18, hahaha. 🙈
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KuteKat
Oh gosh i have some, this one is pretty old, so, one of my former friends and i were playing truth or dare and they asked me who my crush was and I PANICKED and just named a random student in my grade who goes to my temple, thinking she would then leave it alone, but she tells me to confess to him and i say no, she bugs me consistently for weeks and i don’t do it until she says the next time we hang out she’s gonna text him from my phone unless i do it and i freak out and dont want that so i text him the normal “hey i know we don’t know each other well but i like you and wanted you to know” it turns out that he had a girlfriend though, but after that we texted pretty consistently, and after they broke up we started dating, he was the worst boyfriend ON THE PLANET, the entire time we dated/talked we hung out twice, this was a nine month period too, anyway he broke up me with me and im so glad he did
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KuteKat
I also have like a LONG story about my current boyfriend and I if anyone’s interested!
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
@KuteKat so you did or didn't like that guy??? Did you just say you did and it escalated?