Knotting Bracelets at school?
Bracelet King
4 months ago by dritten527
So my social studies class has been super boring recently (we watch a documentary the whole time 😴) I’m looking for a simple pattern I can make without really looking much at the strings. So far I’ve done a bunch of chevrons, daisy chains, and the braided appearance patterns (all 6 strings) Do you guys have any simple pattern recommendations?Thanks! |
3 months, 4 weeks ago by Chikinsoup
My favorite patterns, which incidentally are the simplest, are patterns #25162, #25381, #40434, #18, and #33677
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by itarosky
#116069 is pretty easy to memorize and looks so cool, especially with a black outline
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by 201217
What I like to do is I’ll write down a very easy pattern or print it off and bring it with me to like camp or somewhere where I can’t have technology