Planning Patterns Out on Paper
3 months, 4 weeks ago by lishkovy
Does anyone else plan out their patterns by hand?? If i try to make a pattern without sketching it out physically I usually get lost and it turns into a disaster LOL. I'd attatch a picture if I could but I usually draw out a staggered "grid" on lined paper, circle each knot with its respective color, and then use that same color to identify the "path" of each individual string. It really helps me make the easiest "path" for each string to avoid forward backward and backward forward knots!!
3 months, 4 weeks ago by halokiwi
Yes, I did this a lot when starting to design patterns and sometimes I still do it, if I have a hard time imagining the pattern or if I'm not on my computer and need to remember an idea, but I usually use paper with a grid, not paper with lines. I either rotate the paper 45 degrees and use that to draw, or I draw the pattern with one square gap between the knots, if I need more space.
3 months, 4 weeks ago by lishkovy
@halokiwi oh that is smart!!! I usually sketch patterns out during my lectures- I may have to start bringing graphing paper with me 🙂!
3 months, 4 weeks ago by halokiwi
I have to admit, I also do it a lot during lectures 😂