some more updated epic bb stats (now with more epicness)
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
Almost 6 months ago, I did a little bit of counting and multiplying to come up with some stats about this site, like how many users we have and what percentage of ranks there are. Here's a copy of the previous data:Beginners- 406,850 Advanced- 146,141 Skiller- 13,974 Professional- 6,557 Bracelet King- 3,138 Moderator- 13 Supermod- 2 Admin- 2 in all: 576677 70.6% is beginners 25.3 is advanced 2.4% is skiller 1.1% professional .5% is BK .002% is a mod .0003% are supermods .0003% are admin Of course, these numbers change every day but the percentages change more slowly. Another thing to note is that before you're like "omg I found a BK on braceletbook and they only make up .5%" it's bc they're most active in the community w/o being a mod This also does not take into account banned or inactive accounts because I'm not filtering through 576,677 accounts to see who all posts anymore 😂 Also here's some notes on the bb population (all rough numbers) - We have more people than the entire country of Malta - More than Micronesia, Iceland, and Andorra combined - We would need almost 4 Rungrado 1st of May stadiums (biggest sports stadium in the world) to fit us if we wanted to host a knot convention - If we all stood on each other's shoulders, using an average height of 5'4 or 1.63 meters, we would be 937,677 meters or 3,076,368 ft tall - We make up .0072% of the Earth's population ( It's gotten even epicer, though. We have: Beginner- 447,221, just 100k short of the TOTAL AMOUNT OF USERS 6 MONTHS AGO. That means that in 6 months, almost 40,000 users have joined. Our oldest beginner is @dudi, who joined 13 years and 10 months ago. You got this! Advanced- 159,857, so we've blown the previous total amount of users out of the water by a whole lot. The oldest advanced user is is @yari1020, who joined 13 years and 10 months ago. Yay yari! Skiller- 15,193, which is a much less sharp increase than the previous two. This makes sense, seeing as it's harder to level up from here. The oldest skiller is @taylor, who joined 13 years and 10 months ago. Professional- 6,955, which is impressively close to our previous range of professionals. Of course, people have gone up to higher ranks from here, so the pool has been changing, but it's impressive how close this rank has stayed. The oldest profesh is @Kitten, who, surprise, joined 13 years and 10 months ago. Bracelet Monarch- 3,286, a surprisingly interesting number. Since you cannot rank up from Bracelet Monarch without becoming a moderator, and we haven't added any new mods, that means that only 148 people made Bracelet King in the past 6 months. Congratulations, new Bracelet Monarchs! The very first Monarch who hasn't become a moderator or admin is @maribell- 13 years... and 10 months. Moderators- still 13 strong, thank you for everything! A 0% increase over 6 months would not usually convey good information in any census, but the population is quite satisfied with its leadership. No further notes. Super Moderators- 2! Thank you both so much for all of your work on this site, and the fact that all 15 of you keep up with hundreds of posts each day. Admin- also at 2, the only population of users to match another population of users. Interesting... Overall, we have... drumroll... 632,529 users. A LOT MORE THAN 6 MONTHS AGO. This site has been around for nearly 14 years, and we've seen a 10% increase in 6 months. Absolutely crazy. Keep tying knots or stitching stitches or beading beats, and we'll keep growing our empire, people. (math will be outdated in about 30 seconds) Right, now your percentages you've all been waiting for. Beginners- 71%, which has increased the amount of beginners by 10%. I'm guessing this is where our 6 month increase came. Should I start graphing this? Advanced- 23%, also a large percentage. They have increased by 9%. Skillers- 2% of users- They have also increased by 9%. Professionals- 1% of our site, they've seen an increase of 6%. Woohoo! Bracelet Monarchs- .5%! Huzzah! We've seen an increase of about 5%. Huzzah again! Now, let's get to the new data. We have 172,454 patterns. Is that confusing, since our latest pattern number as of writing this is #177618? That simply means that 5,164 patterns have been removed. 5,164 inconsistencies in the numerical order of our patterns... We have a shocking amount of 357,689 variations posted! No comments other than perhaps we can just make our own color palettes at home? That is a lot of variations. There is a whopping total of 498,589 forum posts, and I'm about to be 498,590. Should we do something special once we hit 500,000? It's only taken 14 years! This stat is not to be confused with the number of topics, 34,480. ALSO A LOT. Way to be social! Sorry, Generator topic, we still love you. Just... not much conversation up there. We have 382,188 photos uploaded, but 68,606 patterns with photos. #2 has 5,285 photos, the most photos for any pattern. Turns out, it is possible to beat the classic candy stripe! Sadly, 346 patterns remain unrated. Anybody want to get on that? 1,161 videos have been published to 883 patterns. Nice even ratio! Please comment for any more information or stats you'd like, these are very fun to make! As you probably know, the numbers are ever changing and have changed since I started typing this, but it's still close. Thanks for reading! |
Super Moderator
4 months, 2 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
Very interesting! Thank you for going to the time and effort in tracking all of this information down! 😊
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by RangerLane
This is insanely impressive! I would not want to do all that math! Great job! 🎉 🎉
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@KrazyKnotz @RangerLane thank you! I love stats so much, not sure why but they're very fun to me
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow29
@kpn I applaud you!!!
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@Cow29 thank you!
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by fishyknots
this is so awesome, thanks for taking the time!
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@fishyknots of course, thanks for reading it!
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by doezknotz
This is so cool! We love the bracelet mods ❤️❤️
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@doezknotz yes frrr
4 months, 2 weeks ago by Sana_M
@kpn, crazy work!! Also now that you mention it, I wish there was some sort of knot convention, that would be fun ; )
Bracelet King
4 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@Sana_M thank you! I think a knot convention would be very fun, but we don't have an island available...