questions for cis people page 2
Bracelet King
2 months, 1 week ago by escobpen00
@Cupcakafro maybe she doesn’t give everything but she sure gave me my queerness 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
2 months, 1 week ago by Cupcakafro
Oh LOL perhaps I’ve been wrong on this, I thought we were to follow people’s preferred pronouns, but maybe I’m mistaken; I’m new to all this, ya know? (: He didn’t, but hey, I’ll be praying that Biblical truth finds you. Use your free will however you want, that’s a choice for you and you alone to make 👌🏻 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” Amen, if you have any questions let me know, but I’m not gonna pester you about it. I hope things turn out however you wish 🙏🏼
Bracelet King
2 months, 1 week ago by escobpen00
@Cupcakafro I honestly don’t know what your goal was with this, but implying that queerness came from the devil is definitely rude, maybe next time don’t reply if that’s your intention
2 months ago by Lava_Lav
I'm simply a girl. I never wanted to be anything else
2 months ago by LumineXD
@doezknotz yeah, I was really afraid to transition to they/them pronouns (non-binary btw), and I still am in the middle of transition. I'm still afraid, but it's been mostly alright. A lot of people are accepting, just ignore the ones who aren't. You can be whatever you want to be ❤️!
2 months ago by Possumking
Queerness is divine fight me
Bracelet King
2 months ago by escobpen00
@Possumking you’re so right. It’s been hard to see it that way for me and i just feel bitter that I can’t just be cis and straight and not have all this confusion and dysphoria, but it really is a good reminder that queer is beautiful
Bracelet King
2 months ago by Cirivere
Do you feel fully your gender? Like can you confidently say I am completely a girl or boy.
At one point during puberty I didn't- but that was a lot of insecurities on my side, I am a woman and I had a lot of body image insecurities, didn't think I was feminine enough, was too fat, too hairy- spoiler alert: I am not fat or hairy, I am just not a photoshopped magazine model. Post college when I did not have stress from school I really started finding myself and realised I am who I am and grew some confidence.

Do you ever look at people of the opposite gender and really wish you looked like them?
Not exactly, I did look a lot at girls as well as boys and go like they are so pretty I wish I was more like them, which was partially teenage insecurities about myself and partially because turns out- I am bisexual.

Have you ever wish you could shapeshift specifically into different genders whenever you wanted?
No but I did wish I could shapeshift so I could become idk, an animal and evade taxes or something. I wanted to be a dolphin as a kid.

Do you feel a small sense of longing to have gotten to experience the girlhood or boyhood that you never got to (like you wish you could have had some experiences of growing up a boy when your a girl)?
Not really, my parents let me do whatever I wanted - within reason. They let me pick the sports I wanted without trying to influence, I never had to choose girl toys by default- even my college degree is in a more masculine field, but I never felt like missing out on either side of the stereotypical gendered stuff.

Do you feel good when you dress differently than your gender is “expected to” like fem when you’re a boy or masc when your a girl?
I wear jeans and a hoodie by default, I couldn't care less. I also wear a dress on special occasions but I miss having extra pockets and needing to settle for a handbag.

Do you wish people couldn’t tell your gender sometimes?
With my curves it is pretty impossible- I had a point where I did wish I had less curves in case I ever wanted to cosplay a masculine character. I have since then figured out cosplay is too expensive and that I am too indecisive to choose a character anyhow.

Have you ever used any other pronouns aside from the ones given to you at birth?
Idk I don't mind if people use neutral pronouns for me, as is pretty default in online spaces lately. When playing an MMO I sometimes get reffered to as the gender of the character I am using at the time. But I don't mind. It's just words. I do respect pronouns if my friends, or a total stranger, ask me to use a specific pronoun for them. I tend to remember them better than people's names sometimes.
Bracelet King
2 months ago by minutcraft
- Cis female here.

Do you feel fully your gender? Like can you confidently say I am completely a girl or boy
- Can’t say I have. More often than not I’ve found myself wondering what gender really is and whether it even matters outside of the context of biological reproduction.

Do you ever look at people of the opposite gender and really wish you looked like them
- Yes and no. I mean, I’ve wished I had longer legs, but I don’t think leg length has much to do with gender as much as ethnic genetics?

Have you ever wish you could shapeshift specifically into different genders whenever you wanted
- Sure. But not for gender-dismorphic reasons. I just thought shape shifting in general was a cool skill to have.

Do you feel a small sense of longing to have gotten to experience the girlhood or boyhood that you never got to (like you wish you could have had some experiences of growing up a boy when your a girl)
- I have before. Mostly because I wished to do the things/pursue the subjects I was interested in but wasn’t allowed to pursue because of my gender.

Do you feel good when you dress differently than your gender is “expected to” like fem when you’re a boy or masc when your a girl
- I wear whatever I want, really (that’s one upside about being female; where I’m from, there are more restrictions on what men can wear—except for going topless; because it’s considered indecent when a woman does it).

Do you wish people couldn’t tell your gender sometimes
- Sure. Mostly in situations where prejudicial assumptions are made based on my gender (e.g. in employment)

Have you ever used any other pronouns aside from the ones given to you at birth
- Not irl, but I have used them when gaming.
Bracelet King
2 months ago by swimmer1
Bracelet King
2 months ago by swimmer1
1) yes I can say I am a girl and be confident about it. 2) no, I don’t look as boys and say I want to look like them, if they look good, I just have a crush on them lol 😂 3) no I don’t want to shapeshifter into a boy 4) kind of. Sometimes I wish I could hang out with some boys and not be accused of having a crush on them. 5) I don’t know, I were tipical clothes, jeans and a tee, and usually a cardigan over that. And a dress on Sunday morning for church. (I do like to dress a little more feminine but I feel completely comfortable wearing just tipical clothing) 6) no, I don’t 7) no, I’ve never used other pronouns
2 months ago by jameson007
1. I can confidently say I feel like a girl. Obviously not the cookie cutter idea of what a girl should be because that’s unrealistic, but I am a girl 2. I’ve never really felt that desire to look like a guy.
2 months ago by jameson007
3. There have been moments but not in the way that you would think. It’s more like I would have a single moment where I think to myself “huh, if I was a guy this would be so much easier” for example my track experience. The guys got preferential treatment and us girls got the short end of the stick. Also period cramps, they suck and I wouldn’t have to go through them if I was a guy. 4. Not really. I think the way that I grew up as a girl has shaped me into the person I am today. I think if I were a guy I would be completely different and knowing that I would feel uncomfortable being a guy. There are parts of my life where I was jealous of the experiences my brother got that I didn’t but those were rooted in sexism and not just us being different genders. 5. My style is an absolute mess. I have no real masc or fem style because I just wear what I feel I look good in. It tends to be more fem just cause those are the clothes that for my body type but I have clothes that I wear comfortably that could be considered more masculine. 6. Not really 7. In like eighth grade three of my very close friends came out as trans and it made me reevaluate what my gender meant to me. I kind of thought about using she/they pronouns for a little bit but every time I used them in my head it didn’t feel right.
1 month, 2 weeks ago by skytech
Im a girl but I like to do boy stuff like video games and wrestling but im a girl and I love it God made me a girl and I’m grateful for it
1 month, 2 weeks ago by skytech
Women can do everything boys like play sports or vote and many of us have more patience and are cleaner (not me though
1 month, 2 weeks ago by skytech
So anyone born a girl be grateful for it because God made each of us in a special way we might be considered in a different way a man would but we are still important and yeah
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 3 days ago by escobpen00
@skytech I’m moderately grateful but am starting to wish I was born a boy