questions for cis people
Bracelet King
5 months ago by escobpen00
Cis means you identify as the gender you were born in case you didn’t knowDo you feel fully your gender? Like can you confidently say I am completely a girl or boy Do you ever look at people of the opposite gender and really wish you looked like them Have you ever wish you could shapeshift specifically into different genders whenever you wanted Do you feel a small sense of longing to have gotten to experience the girlhood or boyhood that you never got to (like you wish you could have had some experiences of growing up a boy when your a girl) Do you feel good when you dress differently than your gender is “expected to” like fem when you’re a boy or masc when your a girl Do you wish people couldn’t tell your gender sometimes Have you ever used any other pronouns aside from the ones given to you at birth Idk what the point of this is, I think I’m gender nonconforming but like I guess I want to make sure lol. Idk genders weird. |
Bracelet King
5 months ago by maxbraclet
I kinda do but not really
Bracelet King
5 months ago by Arkengheis
I honestly don't "feel" like a girl/woman, no idea what that would be like, but I have the parts for it so I am. I do a lot of "manly" things, like engineering, some sports, some hobbies. I'm just used to being called she but I don't think I would care if people called me he. It doesn't really matter anyway
Bracelet King
5 months ago by ElinBeck22
I'm glad that I'm a girl I've never thought oh I want to be a boy.God made us all unique in a lot of different ways and I believe that God made who we are for a reason. please read below even if your not a Christian please read below Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 You are a child of God you are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in his sight. please tag me if u disagree |
5 months ago by Ni-Ki
I have never felt the need to be a girl 👍
5 months ago by Ni-Ki
Hope that helps
5 months ago by amycrochet
When I was younger, I wanted to do things the boys did at recess. I didn't enjoy hopscotch; I wanted to play kickball and tag. The boys would never let me play with them because I was a girl. I now ensure that everybody is included at recess because I don't want anybody feeling left out. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 months, 3 weeks ago by doezknotz
I dont think im cis (possibly fluid) so ill answer!Nope 😛! Yes😅 Yes, quite a lot Not really Yes! I love wearing more masc clothes! YES!! i want people to look at me and go "hmmm what gender is that??" But I think that's more me thinking gender is stupid and less me being male No, but I want to go by they/them, just too afraid to come out as anything ❤️❤️ |
Bracelet King
4 months, 3 weeks ago by BabyWren12
Idk, i dont feel like i have any gendered feelings but I'm told I'm a girl and I feel dysmorphia cuz im super flat chested so ig I'm a girl
4 months, 3 weeks ago by Rahrahh
(Cis woman) As a kid, I hated that the boys got to do things and had toys that seemed far more fun than the “girl” things. I just did the things anyway regardless of how I was perceived. I was lucky to be born in a place where I had the choice to do that. I’ve never felt like I wanted to be a boy, but I also never really resonated with being girly either. I don’t feel the need to label anything - if it makes your soul happy then it’s the right thing for you 🙂 I wish people would just let each other exist as who they are ❤️
4 months, 3 weeks ago by Rahrahh
I’d also like to add that gender is about more than how you look - that may be how we perceive gender in each other, but someone else’s opinion of who they think you are does not make you that, you know your truth best. Don’t let others decide who you are ❤️
Bracelet King
4 months, 3 weeks ago by escobpen00
@Rahrahh that hit me hard thank you
4 months, 3 weeks ago by YetiTea
Omg yes!! I never knew there was a name for this!And to answer your questions: Yes Sometimes Yes Yes Yes No No |
4 months, 3 weeks ago by goregirl
I’m cis. I experience gender envy sometimes but also embrace my femininity it really depends on my mood. I dress however I want though. Usually wearing more gender neutral clothing and occasionally more feminine outfits. Never experienced wanting to be a boy or experience boyhood. I’m sure it’s different for everyone and all feelings are valid!
4 months, 1 week ago by Cupcakafro
4 months, 1 week ago by Cupcakafro
Sorry, I didn’t mean to send that 😂 But to answer your questions. 1) no. I have no idea what it’s like to feel like a man, because I am a woman (: that’s something I don’t think I could ever know 2) mmm, maybe sometimes? But not really. 3) no 4) I feel like as kids, that doesn’t really matter. When I was a kid, though I was a girl, I was friends with boys, I loved more male dominated things, I haaated dresses and doing my hair. But that doesn’t mean I grew up as a boy. I was always a girl, with just some hobbies that mostly men like (: 5) eh, not really. I dislike makeup and really doing my hair, but I like feeling girly still. I guess I don’t exactly know what masc clothes are though. Sweats and a t-shirt? Cause those as comfy but I still feel very much like a woman 😂 6) NO 7)Nope. God has yet to make any mistakes in our lives, including this. We should learn to love what we’re given! ;D
Bracelet King
4 months, 1 week ago by escobpen00
@Cupcakafro yup and I was given a soul that’s genderqueer by god and I love it 😊
4 months, 1 week ago by Cupcakafro
@escoboen00 is it your belief that everything is from God?
Bracelet King
4 months, 1 week ago by escobpen00
@Cupcakafro certainly sounds like it’s yours so I’m trying to level with you in a way you’ll understand. I personally believe that if there is a god, she loves me and made me queer.
4 months, 1 week ago by Cupcakafro
@escobpen00 God doesn’t give everything because Satan, sin and freewill exist. Also God used He/Him pronouns 😉 That’s not meant to sound condescending, I’m just letting you know (: And yes, God loves you very much!