what was “the incident” at your school? page 2
5 months, 1 week ago by lauren0130
some very notorious kid at school pulled his pants down in his science class.. lets say the kids in there were scarred for life (i wasnt in there thankfully) and also some kid recorded a video of another kid stripping and dancing on a hockey stick... and sent it around the entire school. anddddd not at my school but in my like "group" of schools (diff district but we play sports against them) some girls were fighting over a boy and one of them hits the other with a stanley on the head and fractured her skull... love my school sm <33
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by KuteKat
So last year… this was my class btw, we were in one of the rooms connected to the library and our teacher had his phone off, because it’s a high school every single room MUST have a working landline phone that can call 911 and the front office. A kid dialed 911 then hung up, and proceeded to ignore the phone every time 911 tried to call back. Because the police must go to all schools when they are called in case it’s a shooter or another threat, the office got called by 911. Our principal tried to call our teacher who obviously didn’t pick up because his phone was off. The police ended up coming to our school, staying with my class to monitor for the rest of the period, and lectured us about never calling 911 unless it’s a real emergency and how you must answer the phone if you accidentally call them in order to say it was an accident. My class got absolutely laid into the next week when the teacher found out who called 911 and that it was a prank.
Bracelet King
5 months ago by chris07
ight so this gorl went in the bathroom and dryed her hands in the dryer and it caught on fire and the bathroom had a lil fire in it (she told me) (and no one was hurt 👍)
Bracelet King
5 months ago by Kayla517
When I was in Grade 3 my class had a end of the year project where we recreated Niagara Falls (traffic, buildings, boarder to US, and the falls, on the desks) One day we were doing painting in the hallways. My group of 4 had a job of painting water with light blue paint on a big paper, and pretty sure we left all the paint and brushes in the hall unattended during break. Few hours later while we were eating lunch on the carpet my teacher told us she saw two cuss words written with light blue paint on the boys bathroom door, and checked nearby classes to see who did it (This was before security cameras got put up.) My teacher looked at all of us in the eye and told us if any of us ever do that again the whole project will get destroyed. My class went dead silent. A couple weeks later we did complete the project successfully by the last day of school. Still don’t know who did it to this day but I have a feeling no one in my class did the graffiti we just made the mistake of leaving paint in the hallway.
Bracelet King
5 months ago by bamboozled
A teachers son (who I think was in with grade at the time) lit a bathroom trash can on fire with a lighter his friend gave him. Everyone had to evacuate and you could still smell smoke for a while after that. Both the kid who lit the trashcan and the kid who gave him the lighter where suspended
Bracelet King
5 months ago by ChaosZone
two freshmen were doing it on a lunch table in front of the school and people recorded and posted it everywhere💀
Bracelet King
5 months ago by maxbraclet
@ChaosZone whaaaaaa that’s crazy
Bracelet King
5 months ago by sparklers
a few weeks ago there was a threat from this freshman so we had to stay in first period for a while and they eventually arrested the kid and he got expelled from the district
Bracelet King
5 months ago by BabyWren12
so theres a rumor these two kids had uh "had some fun" together in the bathroom and with the two kids it was it was believable but I only found ou that this was a rumor like a year later but what I remember is that around the time it supposedly happened there was a used "fun time glove" on the track... (my class was first pe block of the day and the track used to be left unlocked after school hours)
Bracelet King
5 months ago by fishyknots
a few years ago I think some kid brought a lighter to school and set the trash can on fire
5 months ago by amycrochet
@ChaosZone Did what?
5 months ago by pickles02
The home ec quesadilla had cheese that was expired for like two years, the cookie dough also from home ec started making people feel sick, some kid threw a pencil and it got stuck in some kid's head
Bracelet King
5 months ago by emilyyy307
There have been a couple: a kid brought a thing you shoot with (idk if I’m allowed to say the actual word on here) to school to show it off. There was another kid that got hit by a car in the parking lot in seventh grade. There was another time a freshman went around the school spraying fart spray it was so bad we got to leave an hour early. Also @sparklers that’s sounds really bad but there was a kid in my grade that made a threat and all he got was talking to an administrator. I think my school needs better safety precautions lol.
Bracelet King
5 months ago by sparklers
@emilyyy307 the fart spray is so real 😭😭😭
our incident was that the kid had a hit list and threatened the school on Snapchat and that day he was caught trying to leave campus so they arrested him
4 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
Doing what??
Bracelet King
4 months, 3 weeks ago by BabyWren12
@amycrochet ok how do I say this so its not gross and little kids cant understand and it doesn't get censored..... uhm they had "relations", danced the special adult dance, enjoyed each others company a little TOO much, they baked a cake together, they did the adult bed dance. Get it?
4 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
Oh my gosh! At school??
4 months, 1 week ago by Pearflower
@amycrochet people these days are just insane 😭
Bracelet King
4 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
Theres been a lot of filth that goes down at my school
4 months, 1 week ago by goregirl
Ok so at my alma mater, at the beginning of lecture, he connected his laptop to the projector screen and I guess he didn’t close his tabs……because he accidentally projected a “movie” he was watching to the entire lecture hall 😭 It was such a mess.