Help me. Please.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by BabyWren12
christian thing btw
what do you do when you cant see the reason for the unanswered prayers and failures despite trying and trying and trying and the loss of friends who you thought were good and you believe in god but its getting harder and harder to have faith in him. cuz I don't get it. the opportunities for what ive prayed for have already passed and there is nothing that could be reasonably done to change that. And Ive thought about the hat if its so u can do something better?! Ive thought about that everytime I've lost but if I were meant to do something better then why would the somethings better I'm trying keep failing and I am this close to giving up.
I'm not in a season of waiting I'm in a season of disconnect and losing. losing friends, losing competitions, losing at the stuff I'm meant to be good at, and these grades and losses cant be redone they are set. theirs nothing i can do to self improve, only things I can do to get through but sometimes I don't want to get through I just want to stop and be able to rest but in this world I cant so instead I wish and I dream but what happened to answered prayers and dreams coming true because it isn't happening and I don't know why!!! i go to church, I pray, I believe, I helped one of my friends to become saved, I've put my whole spirit into this and for what!? the chance to lose again? i have done nothing meaningful in my life, all I have done is attempt to climb the staircase that can get me to something meaningful and yet I cant climb the stircase when my legs are tired but there's nowhere to stop and there's no hand lifting me up. so why. why why why why why.
5 months, 2 weeks ago by Amphy
I totally understand one hundred percent what you're going through. I've felt this way before and it's super duper hard to overcome. and I'm literally the worst with advice but I'm gonna try to help you anyways. first keep praying no. matter. what. even though it doesn't feel like it, He hears you! and His timing is always right, so the times that you've felt your prayers were unanswered, maybe the things you prayed for weren't what you needed right then. maybe those things will come later when you really really need them most. none of us deserve the salvation Jesus gave us when He was crucified, but what's so amazing about Him is, even though we don't deserve it, He still gives us eternal life. there are countless blessings that we experience every single day! so next time when you feel like you have nothing, breathe, and thank God for the breath He put in your lungs. thank Him for the ability to worship and praise Him. I know it can be super rough being a Christian, but we have to keep pushing because soon He's coming back for us and we need to be ready. and always, always, always remember you are His Child and He loves you with a love so great that He went through terrible pain, humiliation, and death for YOU. I hope this helped even if it was just a little. but you can always message me and I'll talk with you and we can walk through this season together. if you don't feel like talking, that's totally fine, but just know I'll be praying for you <333
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
"This letter is to you.
I can see that you have had a rough couple months, and you that seems to be under constant storm clouds. that makes you feel invisible. you don’t know how much longer you can hold on. I understand that you have lost faith. you always blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. To you. But nothing is your fault.
You are incredible. You make this world a little bit more wonderful. You have so much potential and so many things left to do. You have time. Better things are coming your way, so please hang in there. You can do it."
<3 Max And I are praying for you.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by eglaf
It sounds like God might be testing your faith, i know it is really hard, but it’s meant for you to become stronger and grow closer to Him. God knows what is the best for you, and if opportunities and friends pass by, trust that He has something much better in store. God loves you more than you will ever know and He will always do what is the best for you(note: the best, not always the easiest). I know it’s really hard losing friends and not getting the grades you’ve worked for, and not competing as well as you want; but please remember you’re value is not in these, but in God! You are a child of God and are valued so much! God sent His own son to pay for our sins, so I don’t think He will abandon us now. Please keep moving forward and know that God hears all your prayers and sees all your hard work, and your efforts will not be in vain. Maybe it will take a bit of time to see the fruits of your labor and Gods gifts for you, but I promise it’s coming. As for finding rest, i think it is true that we will not find rest in this world. But we can find it in God. I hope this can help and i will be praying for you!
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by martha9999
So I know what you mean. I've been going through the same things, but these verses have helped me: "For I know the plans I have for you, declared the LORD plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11) And Matthew 6:25-34 (not typing it out lol) but remember that you didn't know everything about God. He has planned it all and knows you can go through it Jesus is always faithful thorough it all. I've also heard this: Good does not promise a good, wonderful, peaceful, perfect life. He tells you that there will be trials but that you should look towards heaven. Jesus has been through EVERYTHING you are. He became human and even wept about friends too. There is no shame in feeling that.

Also my advice is to read through the sermon on the Mount, it has led me through everything. If you have time, Revelation is great too. ,❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️☺️
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by ElinBeck22
It's nothing that you've done its probably God saying not yet 😢
life is really hard so that's a good reason to pray but if it hasn't been answered its nothing you've done
its just God saying not yet God has a perfect timing for everything 😊
When I was little we went to a church that believed that if ur prayers aren't answered then its something
you've done but its NOT true its just all in Gods timing
Eccesiastes 3:1
Deuteronomy 31:6
Palms 27:14
PLEASEEEEEE read these verses I hope this helps let me know when life gets easier and I'll be praying for u 😊