idk i’m about to go to sleep but why not (christian thing)
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by BabyWren12
idkkkkkk i’m tired but i’ve been struggling recently so just send prayers maybe? or maybe u could be my messenger from God so if u feel compelled to say something say it? i just know that if this weeks as hard as last week its not gonna be good |
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Dear God,I thank you for blessing me with a child-like spirit. similar to a baby, please hold me in your loving arms tonight as l lay to rest. I thank you for casting out the present worries and tension within me, for I am renewed in your presence. May I continue to dwell in your safety as I sleep. Father I am grateful that you have sent your army of angels to watch over the world and those close to me in this world. Please disgust me with the unfaithful habits and thoughts I have that don't serve you so that I can become more like you Lord and may I not return back to these when they present themselves as offers to me. Please can I wake up with a clear vision of what needs to be achieved and may i do it all with extreme diligence, for I am simply a vessel that I pray you'll use to carry out wondrous works. I thank you for loving me and giving me the privilege to lead with a pure heart and renewed mind the following day. In Jesus name, Amen💕💕💕 |
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Hey God,I pray that when people see me today, they actually see You shining through. For my goal is to leave everyone I encounter better than I found them. May I speak life into peoples lives and push them closer to you. I will use the gifts you have given me to bless others. Help me to see people through Your eyes today and may l be the answer to someone's prayer. |
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
Please help me to remember that you have a plan throughout it all. Our life here on earth is short and sad compared to the glory and beauty of heaven. Help me to know that and to live my life only for you. Amen.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@martha9999 Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.