Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by EdenB
Guys…..drop all the tea here I wanna read💅💅💅💅💅💅💅
5 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
I like to drink peach tea with a fresh slice of lemon!
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by EdenB
Hi @amycrochet! I’m so sorry but I’m talking about like drama! But that sounds good though! I will have to try it out!
5 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
But you said tea?
5 months, 3 weeks ago by Amphy
@amycrochet "tea" is a word used in slang to mean "drama" or anything like that 🙂
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by KnotsBySav
I'm dying this thread is probably the best thing i've seen this month
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
uhhh so i was talking to this boy but i ended it bc he was lying to me and he was just overly nice. (that sounds so bad but he was so nice to the point it was lowk annoying) and now i just want him back omg. he actually liked me too. and now he keeps reposting stuff abt me on tiktok (i’m a stalker oops)
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
and it’s so freaking awkward at school omgosh send help lol
5 months, 3 weeks ago by Ni-Ki
hey @amycrochet, that sounds just lovely. I'd love to sip some of that! Tea is pretty great right? 👍
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Well i had feelings for this girl but Ive never talked to her in my entire life
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by EdenB
@maxbraclet! You should talk to her! Or you could give her a note! Notes are really cute. Or maybe a little gift? Or you could make her a bracelet? Or just be friends with her at first? Sorry abt my yapping. Im sure you’re a super sweet guy irl. You should try talking to her and you can update here! If you do, I hope it goes well!
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
She makes me so nervous
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
When im around her
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
It’s sorta sad
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
there’s this one boy that i’m getting over. i’ve had an off and on crush on him for a little over a year. we snap a lot and he’s really fun to talk to. i confessed to him a while ago and he said he didn’t like me like that and only as friends, but he sends SO MANY mixed signals and idk what to do. like when he talks to me it feels like he’s flirting and i feel like i like him again but when we go long periods without like actual convos then i stop and the feelings are so on and off. lately we’ve been talking a bit more but i think i’m getting over him and yea. i think at this point i only like him because i like having a crush, not like before where i liked him because i actually liked him. there are literally no boys in our school that are my type and also like just crush material but like he’s one of the only ones and now i don’t really see it anymore but i’m getting over him so… yea
5 months, 3 weeks ago by Sana_M
@ningc98 wow, THAT must’ve been confusing, huh. I have a friend who’s going through the same thing, so I kinda know how that’s like.
5 months, 3 weeks ago by Sana_M
Also umm my tea isn’t that dramatic but it’s something, so basically last year for my final exams, I had a social science exam and I basically suck at it (it was boring) and procrastinated the whole year without studying. And then like 3 days before exam I studied and memorised A LOT, and then I managed to get a 89 (the highest out of all my subjects) 😂😂 that was a big shock for me.
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@ningc98 mixed signals? Haha i did that to this girl who liked me but i didn’t like her like that but i sent mixed signals and she got if he’s sending mixed signals just keep talking to him and see what happens if he doesn’t like you like that maybe find a different person to talk to or like
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@Sana_M haha that’s that happens when you study i don’t study and i get amazing grades on testes just something about they way i learn
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@Sana_M i had 3 tests a week ago and i absolutely got amazing grades and i didn’t write a single thing in my notebooke