weird dreams
Bracelet King
4 months ago by maxbraclet
Guys had the craziest dream last night I was at a party and this girl came up to me, saying hii how are you? I Said hi back but she showed tons of affection towards me so we went upstairs and we decided to scroll on tik tok then it became some sorta holding hands segment And then I was shocked that happened so I went for a walk and I saw all the people I know from my old school which was super weird and felt uncomfortable Anyways tell me a dream that you had that was weird |
Bracelet King
4 months ago by ningc98
i had this dream where i was running with my crush through a train station. smth abt a zombie apocalypse i think. anyways my family was also there but they were like my family we were more like just a group of people that were running. and then there was this one segment where my dad (but not my dad in the dream) wanted to lose his backpack bc it was weighing him down and the my crush offered to carry it. then we continued running. then somehow we ended up in taiwan and i saw my extended family. we were going into a restaurant when some witches caught up to us and transformed me into smth. i was like i knew what i was doing but i was like possessed. then i forgot what happened after and then i woke up
4 months ago by amycrochet
Santa Claus showed me his sack of gifts...
Bracelet King
4 months ago by fishyknots
a few days ago i dreamt that all my friends hated me out of nowhere and my friend kicked my phone across the floor, this was after i stayed up all night reading a book in which someone’s friends did similar things (but not the phone part)
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by fishyknots
last night I dreamt that i was at a cafe with my friends at 9pm and we were gonna get chai lattes but then my teacher said it was closed. and my friend was scrolling Pinterest in light pink mode
3 months, 4 weeks ago by XcKnots
My ex and I were back together and he got a tattoo of a monkey on his forearm with my initials 😂
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@ningc98 wow that is a weird dream
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@fishyknots that’s a super weird dream too
3 months, 4 weeks ago by fluffdoggy
i have the most random dreams. last night i had one where i was at my family's beach cabin in a small town of like 2,000 people and the purge happened but it was 2 months before it should have happened so we didnt know. for anyone unfamilliar with the purge its a movie where in the future literally all crime is legal for one night and you can like kill people and stuff. back to the story- so the purge siren went off so we were confused so we poured hot tea infront of the windows and doors so that if somebody broke in it would burn their feet ( 😭). so we found a little trapdoor area in my bedroom that we didnt know existed so we all hid in there but the purge was special this year and it would be for a 2 days instead of one so after one night my phone died and we were hungry so my family made me go get a charger and food so i went to the kitchen but there was an umbrella in there and that was bad for some reason so i grabbed food and water and ran to the trapdoor and when we were in there we realized we forgot to lock the windows and we heard somebody stomping above us and he opened the trapdoor and came in and he gave us fish sticks and he said he wouldnt kill us because it was monday and not friday 🤪
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@maxbraclet ik 😭
3 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
I walked in to my cats knitting me a sweater! Itchy. 😲 😢 🤯
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Kayla517
It was almost a week ago I had a dream one of my friends invited me to a birthday party at our local mall on a Saturday afternoon. We’ll sat at the rectangle booth table and there was a ton of dessert of cupcakes, brownies and banana bread. We ate them then everybody suddenly had to get going and slowly got ready to leave. I was worried about the sweets going in the garbage so I shoved a bunch of them in a plastic bag into my backpack as takeouts to eat later and share with family. Everyone else did not even bother because they were already full and had places to go. Then I went to a theatre hoping everyone thought it was just my wardrobe and books in my very full bag. I believe the dream happened because I was thinking about food before bed and had regrets of not eating more at my last family reunion because I got full too fast.
3 months, 2 weeks ago by 201217
I had this reoccurring “nightmare” when I was like 5 and 6. Basically me and my parents were driving through a flood for some reason and it was like the end of the world. We finally got somewhere that was supposed to be safe but it was like just a big tent with a bunch of other random people. Then aliens came down and abducted me and my parents and that’s when I would wake up. I had this dream a lot back then.
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
I was in like a department store but a maze??? Idk so I went through the maze and to a little stable kinda thing but the whole store was a puzzle and eventually we figured out what we had to do we had to kill a monster that hated for and we found a small box of matches but I remembered in the stable the was a lot of hand sanitizer which is flammable (dream self is smart! wow 😂) and do we got it and found a gummy hamburger and then I woke up
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by martha9999
Hated fire
3 months, 2 weeks ago by fluffdoggy
When I was really young, like 3, 4, or 5, I had this reoccurring nightmare. There was some sort of hole in my bed that I fell into, and it took me to a room. I don't even know how to describe it, but there were several doors in it and the main room had a bunch of isles like there is at the grocery store and there was a dark purple spiky monster that kind of looked like a sea urchin that went down the aisles looking for me. I would then go into a different room where the walls were white and there were pipes everywhere and underneath it there was this neon green bubbly goop and my dad was standing on the platform peeing into the goop and that's all I can remember.
Bracelet King
3 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
Ok so basically,I was at this creepy theme park with some of my friends. And we went to this “ride”. It had no seats and it was like a trampoline but with animatronics (I HATE animatronics) 😭. So we head to climb up this really rusty platform type thing. The animatronics were really rusty and they were kind of falling apart. But the combination of them was weird. There was a clown, a bear, an elephant, and a grandma. Anyway you would go up and push a button and start jumping and they would start jumping with you. The weird thing is, every time we would go on this attraction, they would look newer. Idk |
Bracelet King
3 months ago by EdenB
They also moved soooo smoothly when they were on. It was to realistic. I’ve had this dream for a week straight 😭
Bracelet King
3 months ago by maxbraclet
Oh well i have had bad and good dreams over a week