6 months ago by XcKnots
Hey so basically I am 13 and I run for my high school that i'm going to next year. I am not new to this because I have been on a club team since 4th grade. But now for some reason tomorrow is my first race of the season and I'm so nervous that I wont do well! I am on a new team with people older than me so maybe that is part of it. I really want to get on varsity next year though when I actually start going to the school. (i'm in 8th grade now) But overall I'm just super nervous. Does anybody have any tips for getting away the jitters? I'm usually pretty content the night before my race, but right now I'm finding myself not being able to even sleep!
Bracelet King
6 months ago by ningc98
so basically our school just has an athletics program and each sport has its own season. its the same time as basketball season. if you make the team, you run 2/4 meets, but if you dont, you run all 4. i love running so i run all 4 even if i make the team, and i dont really get nervous, i guess, until right before the run. just try to forget about and when you think of it, just encourage yourself and don’t dont think on it too much. im sure you’ll do great! good luck!
6 months ago by XcKnots
@ningc98 So I got 1st for JV girls and I got a new PR of 20:02! I'm pretty proud of myself as I was racing people 1,2, and 3 years older than me. and also, the coach says next year, (my freshman year) he will consider putting me on varsity!!
Bracelet King
6 months ago by ningc98
yayyyyy good job!
Bracelet King
6 months ago by maxbraclet
I run cross country too since im moving to new york you go to about 4-6-7 meets
Bracelet King
6 months ago by maxbraclet
Im on variety for my Texas school