what do I do next? (crush advice)
Bracelet King
6 months ago by doezknotz
Heyo! so im kinda freaking out lmao but anyways.... So I have a crush on this girl b. Im at a new school and she was the first one to talk to me. She has such pretty hair, and is sooo nice (words are hard, I just have a crush. ANYWAY)

anyway, this morning I was chilling and I heard her say (to somone else, not to me) that she has a crush. The guy was like "Cool! Who is it?" she said "I can't tell you! Their here!" AND ISTG SHE LOOKED AT ME. she locked eyes with me and looked down. She would also send little signs that she was interested, like always asking me to be her partner (for projects). That Could just be being friendly, but idk

Then I told this other guy I have a crush on her, and he started freaking out. I was like "what? what happened?" he then said "SHE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU"

when we got to the next class we have together, she avoided me. She talked to me a little, but still avoided.

so yeahhhhhh idk what to do next. should I tell her? if so how? when? helppppp
6 months ago by Amphy
omg that's so cuteeee <3 idk I'm not the best with advice about this stuff but definitely don't avoid her
Bracelet King
6 months ago by Cow28
You should tell her! You’ll probably have to muster up a lot of courage but you should. If your school does dances you could invite her if she wants it to be a date and if that doesn’t work just as friends yk? I know nothing about romance but im happy for you! I’m so jealous tbh
Bracelet King
6 months ago by EdenB
Defo tell her! It could be really good! Trust me your gonna feel better afterwards 😌
Bracelet King
6 months ago by doezknotz
@Amphy @Cow28 @EdenB I told her! She said she didn’t want to date, but wanted to still be friends. She didn’t want to date for personal reasons, so I completely understand.
Bracelet King
6 months ago by EdenB
Well that’s ok! I’m proud of you bestie!
5 months, 4 weeks ago by XcKnots
You should ask for her number!