love life advice 🥲
6 months, 1 week ago by booknerd04
Ok so basically a year ago this guy who I recently my became good friends with at the time( I knew he was before but we weren’t close) since we sat next to each other. Then out of no where he asks me out to hoco and I was stunned that I asked him to repeat what he said bc I was genuinely confused and i got SO confused that I ended spouting out “…as friends?” And I won’t lie I did see him as cute but my friend WAS OBSESSED WITH HIM the year before and I wanted to make sure she was cool with it ofc. I also got cheated on about 7 months ago and my ex was practically stalking me online and at school (not anymore thank god) and I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable so I rejected him. He never got mad or anything it just seemed like he wanted me to feel comfortable with him again and like he wanted me to set the pace yk? But I felt so bad that I stopped talking to him for a good month over the summer. But then about 2 weeks ago on the first day of school I decided to text him to see how he was doing right? We ended up texting from 9 pm to 2:57 am and we did the same the day after and we still sometimes do. And that’s when it hit me like HARD to I liked him a lot. Cause I mean he always makes me laugh and he has this nerdy, dorky sense of humor that just makes me smile. And now I’m worried that I blew my chance because ok I’m typically great at reading people but I can’t when it comes to him. Because he even opened the door for me this year and he even noticed when I was sick and sent me the notes for APUSH and sometimes comes up to talk to me. But then some other times he looks at me with a sad smile whenever he talks to me and recently (we’re both in robotics) he’s stopped saying bye to me in my way out. Which I mean I deserve for practically breaking his heart last year, but I just don’t know what to doc I don’t want to make him uncomfortable or be annoying to him. But I’m worried he thinks that he’s making ME uncomfortable when I’m just nervous to talk to him bc he smile makes feel like the good kind of uneasy…. So what should I do 🥲
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Well… there probably many reasons he’s acting this way he could be jealous he could be uncomfortable around you he could think different of you now then at the beginning, but he might be sharing his feelings to a different girl and doesn’t have the heart for both of you Sorry if it doesn’t make any sense it’s better if we FaceTime or call or something it’s easier to explain. Sorry if my answer has nothing to do with what you asked
5 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
Honey! Just go for it! 👍
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by KnotsBySav
since you're asking, I would say it sounds like he's talking to another girl and that's why he might be pushing you aside right nowspeaking from experience, I would say if you really want him just wait because chances are, he won't actually end up making it official with the other girl. however, don't wait around for him for too long because if he wanted to he would yk I had this type of relationship with a guy I met 12 years ago and I waited 10 years and now we're dating so idk how long is too long to wait tho I guess when you know you know and I just knew 🤪 |
5 months, 3 weeks ago by _Gh0sty
Honestly, I am not very experienced when it comes to love, but if I had to give you advice, I would talk to him about it. Trust me, sometimes it's just better to get things off your chest, even if things don't work out the way you want to, I get it, but you can't live with this forever. Open up, and if he really is your friend, he will understand.I BELIEVE IN YOU! <3 |
5 months ago by booknerd04
Ok update u guys, I asked him out AND HE SAID YES apparently he’s liked me ever since last year AND we’re going steady thank you all so much 🫶🫶🫶🫶😭
Bracelet King
5 months ago by fishyknots
omg that’s amazing!! So happy for you 🩷
4 months, 1 week ago by jffoley1
This is why Im single Lol 😜 😜