please tell me funny or wholesome things i’m dying inside
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by BabyWren12
hi gang guess what! i’ve been sick for almost a week and have not slept through the night in that time without waking up feeling like a worm tried to eat me!
aches chills fevers sore throat ear aches weakness fatigue rigors and more! last night was probably the worst one cuz I woke up at one am feeling the worst i’ve felt! most aches most chilly most rigors and i was literally sobbing because of the pain! so anyway im kinda depressed rn cuz i also had a 103.1 (fahrenheit don’t worry) fever an hour ago and it has barely gone down! despite taking meds! and it’s a virus so I just have to ride it out!! no meds that work for me hahahahahah maybe this is my two weeks because for the past 3 years at some point in the fall i’ve had a horrendous sickness that lasts two weeks! ahahahahahvwv please send help
anyways please tell me any goofy or wholesome stories you have so i can feel a glimmer of happiness in this void! like what’s a stupid thing u did? for me it was last night i was feeling half decent and i wanted to do a hair wrap but i didn’t realize you actually wrap the hair and instead i did chinese staircase and it looked ugly so i decided meh imma take this out except it didn’t come out because I KNOTTED IT INTO MY HAIR LIKE AN IDIOT and it took me like an hour to undo it (minimal hair was lost tho so at least there’s that! hahaha im kinda stupid lol
im going slowly insane 🤪
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by 201217
I cut 4 inches of my hair off bc of dead ends and so I’m like, “it’s super smooth! I won’t have any tangles” so I put my hair in a half pony, wore it all day and at night when I took it out I couldn’t get the hair tie out! Usually when I do half ponies the top isn’t so good so I don’t do it that much but that day I got it just right. However, we ended up not only cutting the hair tie out but the knot in the hair! Anyways hope you get better ❤️‍🩹!
6 months, 1 week ago by pal563701
Knock Knock

Who's there


yodelehee who

you just yodeled

Get well soon! ❤️
6 months ago by Amphy
@pal563701 😭
6 months ago by pal563701
Ikr 😢 😭
6 months ago by marsparx
my favourite twitch streamer mispronounced my name and said rye instead of rai (pronounced like ray) and he's just been calling me rye ever since and it's one of the funniest things ever to me
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by chris07
umm I got smth that all my friends laugh at. I was tapping the tempo in my orchestra class and the teacher put me in a closet 🤯 😢
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by EdenB
My waffles ran away from me and moved to china and they went to England and then they met ed Sheeran and Megan the stallion. And then they rode elephants on rainbows. And then the rode a ant into the sun.
5 months, 3 weeks ago by will_k2903
@EdenB my dreams every night fr 😂
Bracelet King
5 months, 3 weeks ago by chris07
@EdenB beautiful 🥲🥲 u shld rlly be a poet