school tips
Bracelet King
7 months ago by BabyWren12
ok so basically the school year is coming up and as it seems like a lot of us are students i thought it would be a good idea for us to all share tips! i’m currently going into eighth grade here are my tips for the grades i’ve gone through:
Anything before 4th: literally just have fun try ur best and make friends
4th and 5th: make friends and DO NOT LET DRAMA START SAVE IT FOR MS AND HS
6th: don’t worry too much abt grades, put in effort but focus on adjusting and getting into the swing of middle school, IT WILL GET HARDER BUT U WILL BE FINE do not burn urself out being a perfectionist, i did that my first semester and it was not worth it too many tears and too much stress. also join the clubs and do the activities it’s worth it.
7th: this is the toughest year for a lot of people, your school is gonna get harder but just stay confident and work hard u can do it! don’t worry about being popular or trends or having a ton of friends , get a small friend group u trust and stick it out with them. STAY O UR OF AS MUCH DRAMA AS POSSIBLE i had too much and none of it was worth it, if something’s fishy it’s probably a fish trust ur gut. hopefully you have found some clubs that u like from last year, keep doing them and if u haven’t work to find some! some of my best friends have come from these sorts of clubs.
Now in the comments you all share your tips!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by ningc98
im also going into 8th grade and here are the tips i have:
elementary school (1st-5th): just make as many friends as possible but don’t get too attached since in middle school there’s gonna be more people and be prepared to meet new people and for you to lose your closest friends to other people (it’s not bad-you’ll all meet new people)
6th grade: don’t start too much drama. make as many friends as possible, but keep a small circle that you’re sure will last you through middle school. have like at least one person in each class that you’re close with and are comfortable in working in groups with. this year is the year of new beginnings, etc. it’ll be hard to adjust, but you’ll get used to it.
7th grade: keep your small circle of friends from 6th grade, and just try your best. 7th grade is the year you’re going to want to work the hardest in since in 8th grade (from the 8th graders i know) you’ll probably start slacking off (im probably going to) since it’s your last year of middle school and you’re gonna be the “big kid on campus” 7th grade’s probably gonna be my best year, but don’t worry TOO much about grades (still care, but honestly social life is more important)
7 months ago by will_k2902
i am going into freshman year and one thing i can say about eighth is stay out of all drama and STUDY for every single test
Bracelet King
6 months, 4 weeks ago by fishyknots
@6th don’t worry if it feels too overwhelming at first, you’re going to get into the swing of things rlly soon. Don’t stay with toxic people that bring you down. Meet new people, and know that your friendships are gonna be changing all the time. Stay away from drama and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also I’d say don’t will not last and it’ll just cause a bunch more drama and gossip
Bracelet King
6 months, 4 weeks ago by fishyknots
7th grade: speaking from experience, don’t lose your academic grit! I started slacking off a lot and i def regret it now. your friendships are still gonna change a lot, but make sure to keep your friends close. stay out of drama and if there’s pics and stuff circulating the school don’t get involved and send stuff to other ppl. I know some kids who did this and they got in pretty big trouble. again you can do whatever you want but personally I don’t think “dating” is worth it in middle school
Bracelet King
6 months, 4 weeks ago by Kayla517
Some of mine are… don’t worry too much about making a ton of friends, and it’s okay to spend time alone because it’s definitely better than hanging out with wrong people. Most teachers are friendly if you cooperate well with class. Don’t take any gossip personal, a lot of times people will just make things up because they’re bored. And go to school on snow and beach day if you can so you can watch movies, and get more help with work you normally wouldn’t get on the normal days (appreciate the quiet class.) Also live in the present moment, there’s like no need to worry about the future during that time.