Nails 💅
Bracelet King
7 months ago by EdenB
Tips to stop biting nails? I’ve tried several times to grow them out but it just won’t work! I have anxiety so I keep biting them. Any suggestions?
7 months ago by TS-4Ever
@EdenB omg I do that too! Theres this clear nail polish that tastes really bad so you could try that... My mom is always nagging me about my nails.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by ningc98
same! but then my mom said she would take away my phone if i didn’t stop (shed been nagging me for like a year at that point) and suddenly i found the motivation to stop 😂
Bracelet King
7 months ago by kpn
my friend has a terrible nail biting problem and we're going to use a squirt bottle (mist) whenever she bites bc i want her hands to be healthy but that said maybe find a friend who's willing to help you out with it? there's also a thingy called mavala that we used for thumb sucking that even if you washed your hands it didn't quite come off and it was so disgusting and bitter but that worked too