Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
Hi everyone!

I’m going into high school this year, and I was hoping some upperclassmen could leave some advice/tips below! Also other people who are going into high school could leave questions below! I have a question too.

Does anyone play a sport and work a part time job? I’m playing softball but want to possibly get a part time job. Idk how it would work with scheduling since my softball schedule will vary week to week. Is this a possibility or do I have to wait until I stop playing softball later in high school?

Bracelet King
7 months ago by ningc98
im going into 8th grade but my bdays in september so ill be 14 throughout most of 8th grade, which is also sometimes the age for freshman year. tips for being 14 since you can legally get a job then?
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@ningc98 enjoy 8th grade! I was with the same 150 people since kindergarten so I spent the whole year waiting to get out of the school lol. Now I was I enjoyed it more since it’s the last year that doesn’t matter too much!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@ningc98 also I started babysitting a couple years ago which is perfect for being in 8th grade since you can sort of make your own schedule and work when you want. If you’re interested in doing that you can message me and I can give you tons of tips on how to get started!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Arkengheis
I don't have advice about jobs + school, sorry. But I wanted to comment that it seems so crazy from a french perspective for a high school student to have a job 😲 I don't know a single person who had a job before graduating (other than summer jobs), but I don't think we would have had the time anyway, since we have school from 8 to 5:30
Bracelet King
7 months ago by KuteKat
I recommend doing summer jobs/internships!! Spend your freshman year making friends, getting used to how everything works. Join clubs! Start about club! Try new things!! You have the next three years to get a job. Focus on doing well in classes and having fun. Go to sports games!!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by KuteKat
@ningc98 don’t stress too much! You’re still in 8th grade and have the next four years in high school!! Start learning about what you’re interested in and what you might want to do for a job or internship!!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by KuteKat
@Arkengheis school from 8:00 to 5:30 is crazy to me!! I have school 8:45 to 3:35!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Arkengheis
@KuteKat even in primary I had more school than that haha (8:30 - 4:30). I think it's because we have a culture of both parents working so the kids need to be taken care of
Bracelet King
7 months ago by KuteKat
@Arkengheis that makes sense! I live in the United States so there’s a big cultural difference!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@Armengheis omg 8-5:30??? This year I have 8:30-2:30 bc I get out early for school softball practice which is a couple hours
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@KuteKat yeah, the only problem with summer jobs/internships is that I’m out of town for majority of the summer visiting family 🙁
7 months ago by sourapples
hiii I’m an upcoming freshman at my high school in a small town but i know to keep my mouth shut so i don’t get hArAsSeD or anything but what about my friends? How do i tell them to not make a scene and things like that?
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@sourapples honestly, I’ve learned in middle school that it’s best to leave the drama. If you have friends who are constantly causing drama, try to distance yourself from them
Bracelet King
7 months ago by violasrule
number one tip is to not worry if you don't make friends with people immediately, it took me a couple weeks to actually get to know some new people and my parents were like "are you going to make any new friends" and eventually I did haha. it just took a bit. high school really isn't that bad. prioritize your schoolwork and try not to procrastinate (though I understand, it is hard) and leave plenty of space open for hobbies/interests/clubs/sports etc but DONT overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much. and most of all just have fun, hang around with people who are actually nice people and you enjoy being around. stay away from people who try to make you feel worse about yourself, are rude, fake, etc. and stick to your morals, do not adjust what you feel is right for what others think is right. stay true to yourself always always always.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by violasrule
@ningc98 only take on a job if you're 100% sure you're going to have the time and you're going to benefit from it (it's not going to cause you more stress than what it's worth). based on how many activities you're in/how busy you are doing the school year you might want to stick to just having a job over the summer. But don't worry about rushing it, and the jobs that hire 14 year olds are typically not all that enjoyable (and they don't pay very well) but if you are interested in getting a job then try to find something you'll actually like/something you're passionate about or even something loosely related to what you want to do in life (which of course is hard because again, jobs without high school graduation are much more limited) but if you can find an internship in something you're interested in then that's great. But the main takeaway is don't feel the need to rush it, unless of course you NEED a job to monetarily assist your family (which of course is a whole different story).
Even though I'm 15 now I didn't even get a job this summer, as I was trying to prioritize a couple other things and I want to wait until I have my driver's license so I don't have to constantly ask people for rides to and from my job. Next summer though I will definitely be getting a job somewhere haha.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by bsoftball
@violasrule thank you so much! I’m definitely most worried about friends so thats comforting to hear haha
Bracelet King
7 months ago by violasrule
Np! and yeah you just have to be patient, it all works out in the end. <3
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
I work part time and play basketball and volleyball it’s difficult to juggle it all but it’s doable only if you do ur homework in school
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by bsoftball
@maxbraclet how do you do scheduling? Cause like game schedules change week to week, so do you have to find someone to cover shifts when you have games or does your manager work around that?