I need help from fellow Christians....
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Cassie989
Hello, I'm Cassie and I seriously need some help. I'm praying that you all hear my story, and my prayers are answered through this. I have always lived in a fairly Christian household. By about 13 or 14, I started to ignore it more and I became rebellious in what I was doing (specifically online) and not being very honest about anything. My mental health was terrible because of it. During that time, age 16, I started to feel bad about what I was doing and thinking that God was upset with me. I broke down many times out of fear and finally just gave it all up and asked God to forgive me for it all. I started praying, giving up sinful ways, talking better, acting better, studying the Bible, going to church, getting into a youth group, and listening/watching better music, shows, and videos. While it has been an incredible experience... I fear that it is all for nothing since I actually struggle with disbelief and doubts about God constantly. I want to get baptized and participate in communion, but I fear that my belief in Jesus isn't "genuine" enough or I don't believe in Him at all so I cannot participate in it. The whole world continues to tell me God isn't real either and it makes it even worse. I am REALLY struggling and no matter how much I pray or study His word, it gets worse somehow and I tend to not believe anything the Bible says at it seems too good or unbelievable to be true. I love the way believing in God makes you feel and grow, as a child, it was wonderful! But now, I feel lost and that my mind doesn't want me to believe, and I will constantly question God forever. I DON'T WANT THAT AT ALL. I want to believe everything as true, become baptized, and continue living my Christian life. I want to continue being friends with fellow believers and live a life how God wants me to. The Bible tells you to believe in God and Jesus with "all of your heart" but I just don't know what that means. I want to feel the Holy Spirit, but I can't seem to at all, and I worry I have not truly received the Holy Spirit. Why? Why do I feel this way? Is faith a feeling and I must not have it? Can I have faith even if I have disbelief? CAN ANYONE RELATE WITH ME? PLEASE HELP! I really need guidance. Thank you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by SBGal_13
Hi!! I just wanted to tell you a few things:1. No walk with God looks the same. You say you fear your belief isn't "genuine" enough, however, as long as you have accepted that God himself is the only God and accepted his son Jesus as your savior, you are a follower of God!! Absolutely nothing can change that! 2.I also struggle with reading God's word consistently. Whether I am busy or not, I still feel really guilty about, because most of the time it is because I usually put it off to scroll on my phone or watch TV. I have gotten better about it by taking breaks from social media and things, however, I think for you it may be because you don't feel worthy(if that's not the case I am so sorry for saying that!!) but I have one thing I want you to remember: Paul committed a mass genocide against Christians, and he later became one of the churches biggest missionaries. If it is because you feel unworthy, please remember this!! 3.This is just my personal opinion: Believing in God wholeheartedly is attempting to live like Jesus did. I believe he was sent to Earth as an example for how those who follow God are supposed to live: serving God first, then others. I try to do everything with God in mind. I understand no one can live exactly like Jesus, which is why he died for us. I also understand it is hard to always keep God in mind. I constantly struggle with this. I highly recommend reading the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) to get a deeper understanding of this. 4. I completely understand not feeling like you have accepted the spirit of God, I constantly struggle with this. My advice is to get into God's word, specifically the gospels. I also recommend praying before reading God's word, asking him for answers. He usually speaks to you through his word 5. Faith to me is not a feeling, it is trust between you and God. Please message me if you have anymore questions!! I would be glad to help you!! |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by fishyknots
hi!!struggling with doubt is totally normal as a christian. romans 10:9 says "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." as long as you’ve done this, you are secure in Christ—nothing will ever change your salvation. its okay and normal to not feel changed or any different, but God is always working on you (Philippians 1:6) I can relate to faith not feeling genuine enough-I always start drifting away from God when i stop reading and getting into the word. It’s so easy to forget and fall back into that pit of guilt, but always remember that God isn’t mad at you—he will always welcome you with open arms (hebrews 4:15-16). pray before you read (psalm 119:18) and I recommend studying romans and john. The world will always tell you that God isn’t real, but faith is CHOOSING to believe in what you do not see. Ask God to show you his hand in everything. The Bible says to pray constantly, and it doesn’t have to be formal. I find myself talking to God throughout the day, just like i would a friend, because your relationship with God is so so important. Here are some verses i think will help: John 15:4-5 Romans 8:26 Deuteronomy 31:8 Proverbs 3:5-8 I’m praying for you!! God’s got you. Feel free to message me anytime 🫶🏼 |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by kpn
This is totally a thing every believer goes through, you are not alone. It's normal- healthy, even- to question if God is really there sometimes, because life is very hard. However, God is a constant, He's always there. He always loves you and always wants to carry you through life. He won't be angry if you decide that you don't believe and He won't turn his back on you. You are his beloved child, don't forget. You don't have to put yourself on a schedule to find your way back to Him. Look for times in your day when you feel negative at all (anxious, frustrated, sad, etc.) and just go to the Bible. I find that Psalms and Proverbs are amazing for consoling me. Sometimes, He shows you just the right thing and it's His way of giving you His perfect water of life. My faith became more real to me recently for two reasons. One, I struggle with really bad depression and anxiety sometimes, and nothing of the world helped. I turned to God one day, and He absolutely carried me all the way through. Since then, I've tried to go to the Bible instead of the world. Second, there were two books I read- God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew and The Watchmaker's Daughter by Larry Loftis. It was full of amazing stories about how God had helped Brother Andrew and Corrie ten Boom, and it just reminded me of His goodness. I really recommend those books if you're struggling with your faith, cause they changed my life. If you have a hard time finding scripture, use the Lectionary website (https://www.lectionarypage.net). It's this amazing website that posts daily scripture readings and prayers, and sometimes it just hits the spot. Overall, you may not choose to believe and that's okay. God always loves you, no matter what. But if you do choose to keep believing, it will be the best choice you ever made in your life. Nobody is judging or comparing your faith, either. You don't have to be perfect for people, only God. I've been told that my faith is wrong and I'm not loved the same way because I am a queer Christian, but I know that isn't right. I've had my own journey there, and my faith is still strong. I know that even if the world doesn't like me, God loves me beyond measure. Nobody has to meet the world's standards, only God's. Finally, the biggest tip is in the word: faith! Faith isn't something that you can scientifically prove and you can't just check that it works every now and then. You have to take the leap and believe that God is there, and then you will start to see Him in your life. It sounds like you already have a pretty stable belief in God, but you have to take the leap of faith, almost literally. I will be praying that He would reveal himself to you, and I hope He guides and blesses your journey 🩵 |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by kpn
Feel free to message me too btw!
7 months, 1 week ago by vexni
You dont have to be christian if you feel that it’s not for you, there is nothing wrong with being an atheist or agnostic, you are not bound to hold the same beliefs as you’re family. You can still be a kind and caring peso.
7 months, 1 week ago by vexni
*person nonetheless. (I clicked send by accident lol)
7 months, 1 week ago by vexni
If you ever want to talk about atheism or agnosticism without judgement for wether or not you believe the same, my messages will be open for you 😄
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Cassie989
@SBGal_13 @fishyknots @kpn Thank you all so much! You guys have all been a huge help. 😊 I really appreciate all the advice, and I will surely remember it and take it to heart. I also got some help from my family, and they answered pretty much the same way you guys did. I'm going to trust in God from now on and believe even when I don't physically "feel" it like I expected to. I'm going to focus more on prayer and studying His word where He can speak to me. I will pray for you and wish you all the best in your journeys with God also! 😉 😊 ❤️ God bless
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@Cassie989 I felt like you a couple months ago