Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
Hi I’m going to try to jump start this again because I am bored to tears almost so please play with me or else 😈 just kidding or am I 😈 i’m actually just kidding or am I?🤣

How to play and roles

🎲The game play is simple the Martians have a discussion in the morning to figure out who is the mafia are and in the night the mafia have a discussion ( in the chat ) of who to obliterate. 🗳 How to vote in order to vote we need nominations who ever is nominated let’s say 3 people you have to vote for one of those people. You nominate someone here in game. 💀if you die you do not talk until the end of the game and you can’t use your power anymore. ❌you can not reveal your role to anyone until the end of the game please!

❗️IMPORTANT NOTE the chat is only for the mafia and everyone else has to message me the reason of this is because the mafia has to communicate with each other and there is 3 of them so message is going to be very hard and that is why. so please don’t go to chat pretty please with a cherry on top.

Mafia 🦹‍♂️
The mafia obliterates one person every night and try’s to survive until the end.

Doctor 👨‍⚕️
The doctor saves one person during the night from the mafia. And you can not pick the same person twice in a row!

Wizard 🧙‍♂️
The wizard picks one person during the night to see there true intentions 👍 means good 👎means mafia.

😈Vengeful Martian
If the vm gets voted out in the morning the vm can drag any player of there choosing down with them. If the vm is obliterated in the night in morning when someone gets voted out the vm will appear and drag someone down.

As Cupid you link two people together for the entire game if one dies the other dies from heart break. If one of the Cupid linked people gets obliterated in the night
they will just die the next morning.

😭friend zone Martian
As the fzm during the night you can silence one person during the night so that they can’t talk for discussion in the morning. After that day is over you can talk again. You can’t pick the same person twice in a row.

As the Timmy you can vote twice during discussion after revealing themselves and you reveal yourself here in the game.

We need 10 to 12 people so please join if you’re interested.

Also there isn’t any prizes this is just for fun!

If you have any questions please let me know and we start when we have enough people

Also one last thing you need to be on the same time zone or you just need to have a lot of free time in order to play this because last time I tried to play this with people everyone was all over the place and I was literally ripping my hair out trying to figure out what to do so I kind of abandoned it so yeah 😅
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
Scratch that about the ghosts are not talking to ghosts can talk as much as they like but they still cannot see the rolls unless I give them permission to say so in their final dying words 😀👍
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
wait never mind again the ghost can talk a little bit during conversations but they can’t talk a lot I just reviewed the rule they get dying words and then they can talk a little bit but not too much 😅
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
Information I got to do this
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Cow28
I’ll join!
8 months, 1 week ago by NickRye99
I’ll join sounds fun
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
@NickRye99 @Cow29 ty for joining
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
Didn’t we already run through this? And failed an attempt to even play a round last time? 💀😂
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by BlueCat123
@EdenB The only reason I’m doing it is because I just really wanna play and also I’m bored 😑
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
Fair enough 😂🤣💀
Bracelet King
8 months ago by BlueCat123
Bracelet King
7 months, 4 weeks ago by emilyyy307
I’ll join
7 months, 2 weeks ago by TS-4Ever
ill join when do we play?