Knotting Habits
Bracelet King
9 months ago by ningc98
Here are a couple (maybe more than a couple…) questions about your knotting habits! I’m curious to know how some of y’all knot 😜

1. Normals or alphas?

2. For normals, do you prefer segment or row-by-row knotting?

3. How do you attach your project to your workspace (like clipboard, cushion, water bottle, etc)

4. What do you like knotting the most?

5. When do you usually knot?

6. What do you like most about BraceletBook?

7. How long have you been knotting?

8. What brand of string do you use?

9. How do you start and end alphas?

10. How do you start and end normals?

Have fun!
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Craftybug5
Hello! This is how I knot, I think there is a topic like this already. But I’ll answer again •ᴗ•

1. Both
2. row by row, it’s a lot more comfortable for me
3. I make my bracelets on a desk securing it with duct tape, if outside then I use a clipboard and duct tape. Duct tape is the best!
4. Bracelets, I wanna try a wall hanging though
5. In the evening, I’m listening to a horror podcast while knotting so it only makes sense
6. The nice people on here!
7. A little over a year
8. Most of my threads are DMC, but some are old and of unknown origin
9. I like using metal clasps, they’re a lot more comfortable to wear
10. Metal clasps! I recommend them ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)

Thank you for asking!! This was fun to answer ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Cow28
1. Normals or alphas? I keep changing my mind but I’d say alphas

2. For normals, do you prefer segment or row-by-row knotting? Segment knotting

3. How do you attach your project to your workspace (like clipboard, cushion, water bottle, etc) clipboard

4. What do you like knotting the most? I like making bracelets best but mini wall hangings or bookmarks are fun too

5. When do you usually knot? Whenever I have free time at my house

6. What do you like most about BraceletBook? It keeps me motivated to knot, the challenges, and a really fun community

7. How long have you been knotting? 5 years if you count those ten candy stripes I made once 😂 probably 1-2 years idk I only started alphas 7 months ago tho

8. What brand of string do you use? Too many different kinds. I like loops and threads best (floss not thread)

9. How do you start and end alphas? Triangle start, braided ends or a button

10. How do you start and end normals? Teardrop loop, braided ends or a button
Bracelet King
9 months ago by fishyknots
1. alphas in general but im in my normal phase
2. segment only
3. clipboard
4. bracelets
5. at night or when i get random spurts of motivation
6. the ppl
7. consistently-1.5 yrs
8. dmc
9. loop and double triangle end, double triangle end
10. loop and triangle end, triangle end

thank you this was fun!
Bracelet King
9 months ago by LittenGirl
These are my answers!

1. Alphas all the way!
2. Row-by-row, I just cannot segment knot 😭
3. A book and tape 😂
4. Keychains are by far my FAVORITE thing to Knot!
5. After school and the weekends!
6. The helpfulness of this community ❤️
7. Almost a year! 🎉
8. DMC + Loops and Threads
9. Loop + braided-twisted ends
10. Loose strings + braided ends
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Kayla517
1. Alphas
2. Segment knotting
3. Clipboard
4. Bracelets for sure
5. Before supper or at 11PM
6. Seeing all the people that share the same hobby as me and everybody seems very friendly.
7. About 13 months and consistently for 4 months
8. DMC, and J&P coats
9. Loop, single triangle ends, and 2 twist ties at end.
10. The same as alphas usually.
Bracelet King
9 months ago by happyrobin
1. Normals or alphas? Depends on my mood

2. For normals, do you prefer segment or row-by-row knotting? I always segemnt knot, that's just the way I learned

3. How do you attach your project to your workspace (like clipboard, cushion, water bottle, etc) I use a clipboard 😊

4. What do you like knotting the most? Bracelets

5. When do you usually knot? Whenever I can!

6. What do you like most about BraceletBook? The incredible amount of patterns and amazing community

7. How long have you been knotting? For almost 3 years I think...

8. What brand of string do you use? I can't remember... some brand from amazon and occassionally branded string when I need a specific colour

9. How do you start and end alphas? Normally just a basic row, sometimes a triangle end but I don't think I've ever done a loop except for on keyrings...

10. How do you start and end normals? Triangle ends or a teardrop loop