tell me about your country!!
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
i know there are a TON of different countries represented on this site, and as someone who has never left my own, tell me about yours! traditional food, fun things to do, cool facts, i want to hear it all!!!
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
Okay! I was born, and am living in Ukraine. God, spelling the names of the dishes in english is gonna kill me inside ( • ᴖ • 。) EVERYBODY mispronounces it!
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
So! Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe, before you say it’s Russia, Russia is mostly in Asia and a TINY part of it is in Europe. So it doesn’t count, ok? ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ).

Anyway, the food varies from region to region

Our traditional foods are:
борщ (borscht- it’s a soup there are a few kinds, the best one is red borscht with beetroot)
вареники (varenyky, they’re like dumplings. The fillings are: cabbage, meat, potato, mushroom, cottage cheese, cherry)
голубці (holubtsi- are cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice, they’re baked in a tomato sauce)
деруни (omg, is it really called a potato pancake? Anyway it’s served with sour cream)
кутя (kutia, christians eat it on Christmas eve supper and Christmas. They eat it before any of the other food)
паска (paska- is essentially sweet bread made for easter)
сало (salo, we eat it basically any way)

These are the non-alcoholic drinks:
Узвар (I’ve got no clue what they call it in english, it’s made by boiling dried fruit and adding sugar)
Компот (kompot, is a drink made by boiling fresh fruit and adding sugar)
Кисіль (kisel, is a thickened drink from fruit and berries, the best is from cherries)
There are way more foods, but I’m tired of listing them already •ᴗ•

About the things to do, look at the beautiful architecture, try the food, visit the national parks, visit museums (what’s left not destroyed anyway). You wont be that safe in Ukraine though.

Cool facts:
As I’ve said Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe
Ukrainians built the largest plane Mriya
Ukraine is home to 7 World Heritage Sites
Carol of the Bells was adapted from the Ukrainian song Щедрик (Schedryk)
Ukraine has one of the most fertile soils in the world

I don’t know which facts you think are cool or not, this is just what I think (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
@KacyM15 What about your country?
I’m curious, cause what you know about a country might actually be way off than how it actually is.
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
@Craftybug5. well, i live in america, but i live down in texas and it’s like a different country sometimes. there’s a bunch of stereotypes about texans but most of them are very regional. texas is HUGE! you could drive like, 9 hours and still be in texas. it’s the 2nd largest state in the usa, and the largest in the lower 48. alaska is the biggest state. anyway, texas is so big that there are distinct regions within texas. lots of the stereotypes about cowboys and other not nice people aren’t super true. now there are a few places they are, but mostly those are untrue stereotypes. but i will say that people who live in texas normally have a lot of texas pride. we like it here!! right now its tornado season so we are all praying that we stay okay. there have been some pretty bad twisters lately, so that’s a downside. but barbecue is on a different level. texas brisket just hits different! we also have tex-mex down here, which is more of a texan spin on traditional mexican food. it’s definitely not legit mexican, but we like it! other than that i guess america is home to a lot of singers, like taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, a bunch more. there are tons of different regions in the us, and it is so culturally distinct. like we take trips to other states because they are so different then our own! we are really a melting pot of a bunch of different cultures and places! we don’t really have a traditional food because all of our food is influenced by people who came here from other countries! i loved reading your facts!! i am a choir kid and we sing carol of the bells every year! and the potato pancakes (sorry i don’t know how to type that correctly,) sound delicious! tbh all of the food you mentioned sounded amazing!! it was so fun to learn about ukraine! i have been and will continue praying for y’all! thanks so much!
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
No problem, and thank you!! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
I always love sharing things I know, and learning new things.
I really hope you will all be okay 🩵
Also you’re in a choir? That’s awesome!!
Does America really not have any traditional food? I guess that makes sense, America is kinda like the centre of the world.
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
Nah, don’t be sorry. Just to me potato pancakes sound REALLY cursed. It’s not bad. Just funny •ᴗ•
Also sorry if my English isn’t good.
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
@Craftybug5 yes i am in choir! and nope i definitely wouldn’t say we are the center of the world, just that we don’t have traditional food because so many people have come here from other countries and brought theirs with them! we have all sorts of international cuisines here! it’s great because even though it may not be the most authentic food, i can still try it and try new cuisines! do you not like potato pancakes? one of my friends is jewish and they have latkes every year, and those are like a potato pancakes! it’s always one of my favorite parts about winter, because they bring some over and we get to eat them all together! and no your english is wonderful! i wish i was multilingual. i know a little spanish but its not that good…
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
Ok not the centre of the world, it just feels like it. From my perspective everything is like America this America that. America is REALLY influential too. Btw I don’t mean it in a rude way at all 🩵
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
You misunderstood me, I LOVE how potato pancakes taste. I just don’t understand why they’re named like that in English and think the names funny, that’s all.
In Ukrainian they’re called (деруни), cause to make them you have to grate potatoes. (терти) means grate, some people say (дерти), thats were the name comes from. I just think potato pancakes sounds funny, they’re not even pancakes. (:
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
Yeah! Latkes are like the exact same thing! Do you eat them with applesauce?
Also thanks, that’s really nice to hear 🩵 I definitely want to learn more languages in the future. If you want to learn new languages, you can do it!! As far as I’m aware Spanish has quite a few similarities with English, so it shouldn’t be crazy hard. In my experience the thing that helped me most is just switching the things I’m watching into the language I’m learning, even If you barely understand anything. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
@Craftybug5 i agree, we have a lot of trends and influential things as well. and okay good! glad that you like potato pancakes! i couldn’t imagine not liking them! potato pancakes is a funny name for them. and applesauce, sour cream, and sometimes even jam/preserves are good on them too! i am definitely going to keep learning spanish. another thing about america is that a lot of people only speak english. it’s kinda sad though because i think knowing multiple languages is a good skill to have
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Craftybug5
I also can’t imagine not liking potato pancakes. I never had them with applesauce or jam, but I’ll try it! That’s good to hear, I’m sure you can become fluent in it! I agree, I’m gonna try learning sign language •ᴗ•
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
yes you totally should! applesauce is a go to for us! also, my friend is fluent in american sign language, and it’s so cool to watch her sign. but i guess there are other types of sign language? is there a regional one for you?
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by banankage
My country is Denmark. I actually don’t know much but here we go. Denmark has the oldest flag in the world. LEGO is Danish and its stands for “leg godt” which in English means “play well”. Denmark is VERY small. Denmark is cool👍
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by KacyM15
@banankage that is so cool! especially about the legos.