boy problems
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
hey y’all! dump your boy problems here to whoever’s willing to listen! i’ll go first!

i’ve had a crush on this boy for a little over a year now. it started when at the end of 6th grade when I rizzed him up (used a pickup line on him) as a joke, but then i started actually liking him. after the joke, he came over to me in math class and we talked about random stuff and i just liked him even more and thought i had a chance. over the summer between 6th and 7th, we snapchatted and texted a lot, and i thought he might actually like me back. then i posted a story asking who people ship me with and at that point pretty much the entire school knew i liked him so they shipped me with him and he asked me about it and i confessed. he said he wasn’t sure if he liked me back and that we could talk more in person, but then when 7th grade started we were existing in total silence, talking only on our screens. then he asked another girl out (they dated for like an hour but realized they were better off as friends) and the late night messages gradually stopped and i sort of stopped liking him but wasn’t over him. then i heard he liked another girl but they didn’t date, and then he stopped liking her. after that, the snapchats slowly started up again, and i started liking him again. then i was nearly over him but NOW he’s been coming up to me after school and talking to me when he never used to and we’ve been snapping a lot and i’m so confused and i don’t know what to do 😭 help
9 months, 4 weeks ago by Amphy
dang, that's crazy! I think he likes you, bc in my experience, guys don't text or snap you unless they really want to talk to you, or you've been on their mind. I hope y'all get together ❤️
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@Amphy that’s what i thought last summer, but then he rejected me 😭
9 months, 4 weeks ago by Amphy
my turn ig lol

so I've had a crush on this guy for like 10 years, and we've been beeest friends for like 11 years.., he looks like we would be siblings, and everyone thinks we are which is interesting lol.... we both like each other, but I am not allowed to have a boyfriend yet, but he told my friend that if I was allowed, we'd be together alreadyyyyyy
9 months, 4 weeks ago by Amphy
@ningc98 ooooof
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@Amphy awww that’s so cuteee i hope u guys get together in the future ❤️
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
dang that’s wild. the mixed signals are definitely a red flag tho. especially late night texts. if he won’t talk to you in person or during the day that’s a definite red flag. but since he’s now coming up to you and y’all are talking more that’s definitely a good sign. i honestly have no advice except take it slow and don’t try to make anything happen bc i can’t even help myself atp but good luckkkk 🙏🏼
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@tkd2010 thanks 😁
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
okay so i’m lowk between 3 guys but only 1 wants me 😭 so guy 1- he moved down here last summer and i had an immediate crush on him. all my friends still think we should get tg but the crush fizzled out a ton. i still have some feelings tho. he’s super sweet & funny and we talk rlly often. my coach who i’m superrrr close with was talking w my friend and was like “i’m waiting on them to get tg” but i don’t think he likes me and atm idk if i even like him. guy 2- is literally gorgeoussss but is kinda annoying and rlly dumb if i’m being honest. our moms are friends tho and i loveee his mom sm. he was talking to some girl from another school but apparently he “doesn’t talk to her anymore” but he’s still following her on tiktok and insta. guy 3- i don’t like him but i like the idea of him 😭 he likes me and asked me to dance at formal but i said no. and he kept asking and told me to pick a song and everything and i regret it soooo much. and his friends always try to get us to start talking. he’s super sweet but he’s kinda weird ngl.
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
@tkd2010 whoa that’s a lot of guys lol but at least a guy actually likes u
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
and guy 3 alwaysss comes up and talks to me and is a great friend but idk
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
yeah ig but like guy 2 is the only one i actually like 🤷‍♀️
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Cat-Lady73
I know I’m late to this party and I haven’t done anything with this account in forever but hey why not dump my boy problems here. So the guy I like told me that he likes me and he said that he could tell that I like him too. The problem is that a good friend of mine also likes him and he likes her too. So I’m in this weird love triangle situation and it’s honestly pretty stressful. We all agreed to keep communicating and just be friends for now. I haven’t got any bad blood with the other girl as we are close. We’ve talked about this one on one a lot. Lately I’ve heard people saying that her and the guy I like are dating. I thought this was weird because she would tell me if that was happening. I asked her and she said it wasn’t true. I trust her but I get a bad feeling in my stomach every time I hear someone talk about people saying those two are dating. I wish I could just walk away from this but both the other girl and the guy are good friends of mine that I don’t want to lose. It doesn’t help that I like the guy a lot. Like I might even love him but that’s a stretch. He also plays the same instrument as me so he’s difficult to avoid. I’m just trying to stay on good terms with everyone but it’s getting so stressful lol
9 months, 1 week ago by soniadm
make a bracelet for him!! i made my bf one and he made me one! still been on for 10 months omg 🙈 ❤️
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by tkd2010
sooo abt guy 3 (from my previous post)…so i was texting a mutual of ours and he was like “y’all should get tg” and i was like “why” and he said “don’t tell anyone but he likes you fr” (someone had already told me but i acted surprised haha) and he said “ do you like him?” and i was like “he’s cool and all but idk” & “tell him to add me back on snap” and HE TOLD HIM. and guy 3 said “i don’t want to be in a relationship rn tho” and i was like “WHO SAID I WANTED TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP? i just said add me back?” so looks like that’s messed up…
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
@tkd2010 sometimes messengers are so dense 😑😭
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by tkd2010
RIGHT! like i didn’t even start the convo or bring him up OR say i liked him or wanted a relationship lol
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by martha9999
Uhhhh time for me to rant!!!😁😁

Ok so: I have had one crush in my entire twelve years of existence. He is super cute, funny, and nice and I've liked him for two or three years. His parents wouldn't let him date but he was basically dating one of my super close friends. Also my besties sister but like... Then the day before Halloween he asked my friend out bc his parents would finally let him!! She said yes and I was. HEARTBROKEN. But he was really stressed about bc he had never dated but he and my friend were basically dating so he didn't know what to change and what not to. I told him "y'all were basically dating just don't change anything" and I haven't heard about it since. We have a great relationship and I love my friend too. Neither of them know that I like the guy.

One more thing: no one in my class is dating bc they have crushes on me! Most of them at least lol but we have a winter dance coming up and at least one will ask me and I don't know how to say no! The guy I like can't go to the dance bc he aged out it's a middle school thing and I'm in seventh he's in ninth. (Awkward! He's so old XD)
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by KuteKat
Today my friend and I officially became bf/gf!! I’m so happy, I like him a ton and we’ve liked each other for at least six months and been talking and going on dates for a super long time! Things are difficult sometimes because we both have anxiety and overthink but it’s getting better!