Brag on Your Bsf! ✨🌻
10 months ago by Amphy
What do you love about your best friend?? And if they're on bb, tag them so they can know how cool you think they are! 🔥
Bracelet King
10 months ago by RyanMarieS
@pablotimon You are always someone I can trust and I can tell ALL THE TEAA to you lol Thanks for making math so funnn 😍
Bracelet King
10 months ago by RyanMarieS
@EllaPatlo You are always there for me and I loveee hanging out with you and ur family! I can't wait to have fun this summer with youuu 😍
10 months ago by Amphy
Bracelet King
10 months ago by fishyknots
@SirSquirrlThank you for being with me since that one day at recess, I value our friendship so much I love chatting, laughing, eating, raving, and debating with you Here's to forever |
Bracelet King
10 months ago by EllaPatlo
@RyanMarieS I loveee you so much and your sweet sweet family! You are an amazing best friend! You always will be my favorite 😉 😉 I am soooo excited to spend the summer with you! ❤️ Love youuuuuuu ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ |
Bracelet King
10 months ago by tkd2010
@vntxgedays dudeee your literally my bsf idk what i’d do wo you. tysm for listening to my rants and having awesome conversations with me for almost 3 years now. ilysm 🩷
Bracelet King
10 months ago by vntxgedays
@tkd2010 stop ilysm 😭🤍
Bracelet King
10 months ago by kpn
she's not on here but sue's always there for me, we've had emotional crises together, and i'm going to miss her so much next year when we won't be together nearly as often 💔 i love her so so much
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
my bsf isn’t on bb but she’s so sweet and kind and smart and trustworthy and my personal vent/therapist and even tho we’ve only known each other for 2 years she’s my bestest friend in the world ❤️
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by SirSquirrl
@fishyknotsI'm so glad I decided to go up to you that one random recess, and I'm so happy we've been able to and lucky enough to maintain and grow our friendship Laughing, debating, and doing all sorts of things like you mentioned with you, especially laughing till we can't breath are always the best moments Hope we can stay together forever too, long enough to go to places like Yonkers together |