How your friends/classmates see you VS. How are you in reality
Bracelet King
10 months ago by AlmaLlama
My friends are thinking I'm a nerd because I seem to be smart and I got qualified in a national stage scholar contest....but in reality I do all of my assignments, homework, etc. on the VERY last minute literally every time. I also read a lot and my friends think that reading makes you a nerd 🙄

feel free to share your situation too! and you can reply multiple times because there can be multiple cases 😃
10 months ago by Amphy
my friends think I'm super sweet ig, and reserved, but in truth I have no filter and when I feel comfortable around you, I'll start to show my true colors.. I usually say what I think, and idk I'm insane 😜
Bracelet King
10 months ago by Hylia224
I'll do my little sister since that one is pretty funny and people pretty much see me the way I am

People think she is super quiet and reserved
But once she knows you well, she'll talk your ear off. we joke that the reason she gets the hiccups so often is because she's talking too much and not breathing enough 😂
Bracelet King
10 months ago by fishyknots
My classmates see me as the "smart kid" but right now I'm just trying to survive the year. And my worth isn't in grades

They probably think I'm judgy and don't like people but I'm actually a very chill and patient person and I try to be friendly
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
I try to be very nice to everyone when I first meet them, but most of my friends say that I’m intimidating at first. My classmates think I’m just the smart kid and they always come to me for answers, but I’m friendly to everyone. However, in my inner circle of friends, I’m a bully, annoying, and a yapper. We all bully each other.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by Cow28
I’m seen as a little quiet innocent person who always gets my work done

But I’m actually

A passionate, nerdy, and funny person who is just unconfident and I may seem quiet if I don’t know you.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by Julia_2009
The kids in my class must think I'm the weird kid who sits in the back of class making bracelets and reading and knotting. BUT ACTUALLY I'm a major extrovert, I just don't like my classes at all this year
Bracelet King
10 months ago by gaily_gal
i’m wayyy too close to my friends for them to not know what i’m actually like, but my classmates see me as this shy short innocent gentle little person (maybe a tad bit irresponsible bc i never hand in assignments on time lol) who’s somewhat a genius and super quiet

my demeanour is nothing compared my personality though especially once you get to know me more. i’m kinda sorta really judgy (though i’m trying to stop being like this), my laugh is very maniacal, i’m a complete blabber ball, and i go insane at times. but i do still think i’m a good person and i promise i do try to be friendly when i need to haha 🫠
Bracelet King
10 months ago by ningc98
@gaily_gal that is literally me and everyone only thinks i’m smart bc of the asian stereotype 🙄🙄🙄 but i do consider myself smarter than a lot of ppl in my grade
Bracelet King
10 months ago by gaily_gal
@ningc98 nooo the asian stereotyping is so true though 😭 my grades definitely don’t reach the typical asian standard but they’re good enough to pass my classes lol
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by Raynebow8
My classmates see me as the teacher pet, the nerd, the one who does not look their age (I look 3 years younger than I should), and the quiet one. I'm super nice to everyone and have never gotten into a fight.

But once I get to know you I can be very silly but I can also be really serious when I have to be. I love to talk (I could talk the rest of my life and still have things to talk about) 😂
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ichika
One of my coworkers somehow managed to get the impression that im the talkative one and my brother is the quieter one, when it is in fact the opposite lol
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by banankage
My classmates see me as weird, annoying and quiet when rlly im just an autistic person who likes being alone😭 (sounds so pick me oml. Also they don’t know abt me being an acoustic guitar)
7 months, 2 weeks ago by TS-4Ever
My friends think I'm really sweet at first but once they get to know me they see that I am kind of dark and crazy 🙂
7 months, 2 weeks ago by singingamp
That just because I skipped a grade I’m a pure baby. My friend was asking what kind of music I liked and I told him all of the artists I listen to. He stopped me when I mentioned a rock band and was like “whaaaaat? Seriously? You’re too sweet and innocent for rock music”. Then I was carpooling with some people and mentioned a situation where I dropped an F bomb. I don’t swear much but have before. One of my friends goes “no offense, but I cannot see you swearing in any situation”.
7 months, 2 weeks ago by Aladdin
My friends think im very talkative, crazy, motherly, kind, and sometimes insane. And in reality they are right.