I am starting a bracelet business - I need help
10 months, 1 week ago by robin_st
Hey everyone!!I am really wanting to start an etsy where I sell some of the braclets I make but I need help with a few things first. Here are the questions I have: 1. Should I sell different sizes or should I just make all of my bracletes 6.5 in and adjustable and if they have any concerns with the size, they can message me about it? 2. Should I make mulitple of the same bracelet in the same colors? Like should I make the exact bracelet like 2 or 3 times? 3. What should I price them? Should it depened on size, amount of strings and colors, or time it takes? I think that is it! Thank you for reading this and if you have any other advice, I would really appriciate it! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
1. I think you should just make them adjustable so that it takes less work.2. YES! Definitely make more than one of each type (make more than a few of candy stripes and chevrons-those are cute but not time consuming) and just list them up. 3. Here’s how I would price them: each string for normal is $1, each string for alpha is $2. Every 10 rows, I’d add $1-2 and for every hour about $2. I would sell them on average $13 and if they want to bargain, it won’t go down too much. I mean, it’s handmade, you can’t have it that cheap. Hope this helps! |
10 months, 1 week ago by robin_st
@ningc98 thank you so much! this really helps
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
no problem!