some epic bb stats
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
So I got curious and decided to do the math to find out how BB's users balance out. In all, there are 576,677 users! I did my math by going to the users page on the site and counting the users that show up on one page, which is 50. Then I multiplied 50 by the number of pages minus one, adding the extras on the last page. Idk if this matters to literally anyone but here it is bc I'm proud of my math Beginners- 406,850 Advanced- 146,141 Skiller- 13,974 Professional- 6,557 Bracelet King- 3,138 Moderator- 13 Supermod- 2 Admin- 2 in all: 576677 70.6% is beginners 25.3 is advanced 2.4% is skiller 1.1% professional .5% is BK .002% is a mod .0003% are supermods .0003% are admin Of course, these numbers change every day but the percentages change more slowly. Another thing to note is that before you're like "omg I found a BK on braceletbook and they only make up .5%" it's bc they're most active in the community w/o being a mod This also does not take into account banned or inactive accounts because I'm not filtering through 576,677 accounts to see who all posts anymore 😂 Also here's some notes on the bb population (all rough numbers) - We have more people than the entire country of Malta - More than Micronesia, Iceland, and Andorra combined - We would need almost 4 Rungrado 1st of May stadiums (biggest sports stadium in the world) to fit us if we wanted to host a knot convention - If we all stood on each other's shoulders, using an average height of 5'4 or 1.63 meters, we would be 937,677 meters or 3,076,368 ft tall - We make up .0072% of the Earth's population So that exists feel free to fact check and correct me pls if you notice anything but yeah we def have that to be proud of Conclusion: we could slowly take over the world Join me in our four Rungrado stadiums to come up with a plan |
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
We've also got 47296 female users, 6217 male users, and... 526769 undefined! Lesson here: please respect and use the they/them pronouns when people ask, it's not that hard
10 months, 2 weeks ago by _vuroee
wowww the math you have to much time 😭 😭 but it's kinda cool to know that there are more people on bb then people on Malta
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@_vuroee it took like 5 mins 😂 yes you're right though we could take over multiple countries (not that we should but yk if it comes to it we'd be able to)
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@_vuroee bb users are generally quite pleasant and chill anyways, we'd make a good country and the mods are great so we have good leadership... this idea may actually be something
10 months, 2 weeks ago by _vuroee
frrr and then we have to call the country braceletbook. And also free embroidery thread and yarn for everyone
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by LittenGirl
I'm up to taking over a country or 2! 😂
10 months, 2 weeks ago by multiestar
Still in 1.1%!
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow28
That’s so cool! Im impressed by all the data! 👍
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow29
@kpn I have been literally wondering this stuff for ages! This is super duper cool!!
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow29
Not to burst your bubble also but what about the banned users...
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@_vuroee so i thought about our country and here's my conclusion: here's our beloved country, BraceletLand. We have ascended the name Book- we are a great nation now. With cotton and wool as our top exports, we are a land of artists. It is not uncommon to find someone with a matching bracelet as you, depending on how popular the pattern is. The supermods are now our co presidents, being fair and gracious leaders. The length of a term served is undecided, but we haven't had problems with our leadership anyways. Our Moderators are spread out across the country, each the head of their own faction. Our governments consists of two presidents, 13 heads, and two leaders of the High Council, Administrators. Mods and supers also fall into the High Council category, of course. Each faction consists of one moderator, 1/13 of the Bracelet Kings, 1/13 of the Professionals, and 1/13 of the Skillers. Young Beginners and Advanceds live under the care of the High Council until they blossom into Skillers, when they face the Council itself. Moderators vote on which faction they believe the future Skiller is best fit for, and the new Skiller is sent to live in their designated factions a lá Harry Potter. Rewards are now given in the form of the artist's preferred medium- some users have hundreds of free skeins of yarn. Patterns are published to the Database, which all citizens can mentally access. Our brains have evolved to a higher level, of course, due to memorizing so many patterns. We are now the first nation to achieve unified telepathy. There is, of course, the tragic times a citizen must be banned. They enter the office of the High Council and never leave, but other citizens know not of these events. Speech is cleanly moderated and never censored unless the wrong things are brought up. Citizens are aware of this and live cautiously, careful with what they do and do not speak of. They are grateful for these peacekeeping laws but know that the entire country can be made to forget their comments if the wrong thing is said. Over time, laws are reinforced and strengthened as more and more topics become taboo due to political and ideological unrest. One day, there are more things a citizen can't say than they can say. The young Beginners are first to notice this change. Their army, now millions strong, rise up against the higher ranks. The first user to spark this change is banned, but the flame is too bright to fizzle out. There are five, then ten, a hundred, thousands. The rebel groups grow exponentially, too many to ever be dealt with. Advanced and Skiller citizens begin to join this union, aware that they could someday be in a position of power. Professionals and above are still abiding by the law, aware that they are no longer allowed to speak of the rebellion. A few from each rank have joined the rebels and been promoted to leaders, but the majority stay loyal to the High Council. The RABS (Rebellion of the Advanced, Beginners, and Skillers) are not aware that they have become the very thing they sought to put away. Members who leave the rebellion lose their passwords mysteriously and do not reenter the country. Professionals and BKs who lead this army do not allow the RABS to speak against these events. Our once grand and beautiful nation has turned to a land of turmoil and anarchy. RABS have figured out how to ban other users due to a single disloyal moderator. Loyal BKs and Professionals have now been promoted to the High Council as moderators in order to fight and ban the RABS. However, a new problem arises: difference of opinions. Patterns are now published and removed, comments made and deleted. No two moderators can agree on what should and shouldn't be published. Suddenly, there is a civil war amongst civil war. The rest of the world watches, absolutely shocked at what our peaceful and lovely country has turned into. Watching the national develop closely from the Crystal Oracle, Administrators are aware that change must be made in this country. The country is reprogrammed and privileges are reset. Beginners are not allowed the 'freedom' they once had. As ranks are achieved, citizens are slowly able to have more of an impact on Database. Citizens learn from their mistakes and more thought is put into banning. One is not simply banned for breaking the guidelines, they are warned first. BKs have now dissolved back into society as equal citizens rather than moderators. The original 13 are restored to their former glory, and elections are held. The same beloved co presidents are re-elected, of course. Though traces of the brutal rebellion remain across the country, we have done our best efforts to wipe them away. It is never forgotten, but learned from. BraceletLand is now a better country than ever before, thriving under the same leadership but reformed citizens. We aren't just artists now either- we're thinkers, writers, nurturers, gardeners, and so much more. We have found true enlightenment, though no other country understands. Somewhere along the road, we became Knottia. BraceletLand was the old country, but we have changed. Knottians observe the rest of the world in dismay at the conflict, forever grateful for the wonderful haven we have in what was once Malta. (pls nobody be offended by these predictions, this is simply how i headcanon our little country and i mean no offense to any rank) So maybe we shouldn't have our own country idk but it worked out well in the end |
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@Cow29 bubble not burst, i'm not doing that math anyways 😎
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@LittenGirl bro sameeee
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@kpn- sry typo at the end there i didn't mean to say have, i meant in
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by LittenGirl
That needs to be published! It feels like it came out of a history book 🔥
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@LittenGirl ahahaha thank you i just need volunteers as characters and I'd make it
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@LittenGirl hmm i may actually make that forum in a while
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by LittenGirl
I volunteer as tribute!
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow29
@kpn spitting out novels right thereAgain! I will be professional volunteer |