Nails 💅
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by EdenB
I need so much help! I’m trying so hard to get my nails to grow out before summer hits!But the problem is I’m constantly biting them and my nail growth speed isn’t the greatest. 😒. I need some tips! |
10 months, 4 weeks ago by fluffdoggy
you can get some stuff you put on your nails that tastes really bad so you don't bite them |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Jayla10
Scented Lotion : Tastes bad, smells good, and moisturizes
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
i’m always super anxious and fidgety and used to bite my nails so bad. every once in a while when i’m rlly stressed i bite them all off but i do pretty good when i keep them painted bc nail polish tastes gross 😭 and if you don’t like color on your nails get l.a colors rapid dry clear top coat. it’s reeks of chemicals and tastes absolutely horrible
10 months, 2 weeks ago by rics_girl3
at walmart (idk where u live but yeah) they sell this thing that's in yellow packaging that's for 3 day nail growth works like a charm! Its super cheap too, just 4 dollars!
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by KuteKat
I got gel nail polish and that helped me to stop biting them
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Zaan_13
the Sally Hansen brand has a lot of different products for nail growth / strength that you can apply on your nails! if that brand isn't available where you live you can defo find alternative brands in the cosmetics shopsI've heard that a BIAB (Builder in a Bottle) manicure is really good for promoting healthy nails, if you'd be allowed to get such a manicure done 😊 And in terms of the nail biting, try to keep your hands occupied as much as you can so that you don't gravitate to biting them! I used to pick at my skin a lot if I were doing something like reading or watching TV, so now I try to have like some sort of fidget toy on hand or just make a bracelet |