Help me with a school project!
11 months ago by sidbeans
Hi bracelet making community! I'm a sophomore in college in the US and I'm writing a paper in my anthropology class about this community! I participate in this hobby, mostly on my instagram sids_strings, but I wanted to reach out to all you cool people on here too!

I was hoping you guys could help answer some questions, all anonymously about your background in knotting and this community in general.
If you could answer any questions I'd definitely appreciate it!

What do we call ourselves? E.g. knotter, bracelet makers, etc.

Where are you from? How old are you?

How/when did you start knotting? (The more info the better!)

What's your favorite part of this community?

Anything else interesting you might want to include, go for it!

Thank you!!!!!!!!! 😇
11 months ago by goregirl
11 months ago by goregirl
I am from Canada, 24f. I just call myself a person who makes bracelets/ bracelet maker. I started as a kid through summer camps around elementary/middle school age. My favorite part of the community is how helpful everyone is if I have a question about navigating the app or bracelet related questions
Bracelet King
11 months ago by fishyknots
knotter/bracelet maker

I'm from the US and I'm a minor

I learned how to knot when I was 5. I started knotting seriously a year ago

My favorite part of this community is how helpful everyone is. I also love the diversity and all the relationships that are built here : )

good luck!
11 months ago by goregirl
Another thing I like about the app is finding inspiration through patterns other users have created!
Bracelet King
11 months ago by RyanMarieS

Bracelet maker/ knotter

I'm from Texas and I'm 13 years old

My friend who is also on Braceletbook actually taught me and then I became addicted to this site and I love it so much!! I got into making bracelets about 3-4 months ago and I had never done it before! I also feel like I have grown a lot as a bracelet maker and gotten a lot better at making bracelets!

My favorite part of this community is how supportive and kind everyone is of each other and I love how whenever we have questions or are in slumps, everyone wants to help you! I also love how you can be yourself and embrace who you are and your personality and I think that's really important to a lot of us. The moderators such as @KrazyKnotz and @halokiwi are always open to questions and will help you with whatever you need!
Bracelet King
11 months ago by ningc98
hi! i do a lot of different crafts other than bracelets, so i just call myself a crafter. for my bracelets tho, i just call myself a knotter. i’m from texas and i’m 13. i started knotting when i was 8 and i got this kit that taught you how to knot, but my bracelets were HORRIBLE, but started seriously this january after i ran out of beads for my swiftie friendship bracelets and learned how to ACTUALLY knot, not like random knot when i was 8. my favorite part of this community is how there’s so much information on how to do things, and i’ve met a lot of new people!
11 months ago by catpotato
I like to call my self a bracelet maker. I am from Alabama in the us, and am 11 years old. I started knotting when I was ten, because my sister loved it and wanted to teach me. She showed me this app and I soon loved knotting too. I love the challenges, because I like to see the creative ideas people have and to challenge myself with doing them.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by gaily_gal
we’re knotters!

i’m from canada. i prefer not to say my specific age but i’m a teenager

my parents got me a friendship bracelet kit for my birthday in 2019, discovered BraceletBook shortly after, and then it kinda just branched out from there! unfortunately i had a huge bracelet break for about two years but i got addicted to the craft again last summer (:

i absolutely love the BB community because everybody’s so kind and friendly to each other! everyone creates so many gorgeous and unique patterns on here and the mods help out a bunch with maintaining this site, not to mention they’re very helpful (;
though i’m not so active (by that i mean talking to other people — i’m on this app every single day haha), i can see how everyone gets along with each other so well and the close connections they have with each other (:
Super Moderator
11 months ago by KrazyKnotz
- I'm call myself a bracelet maker and/or knotter.

- USA and I'm 33

- I started when I was 16 in 2006, and started as a form of art therapy for depression and anxiety. I kind of just stumbled across it, just looking for a creative outlet. 😅

- I love how creative users are in designing patterns, taking photos, and coming up with new techniques!

- I find it really amazing how bracelet making grew during COVID! Even just the activity on this site alone exploded and grew exponentially! And seeing on YouTube more and more videos and tutorials on new techniques and types of creations.
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by KuteKat
I’m from the United Staes and I’m a minor, I call myself a bracelet maker. I started knotting when I was around eight or ten because I was a crafty kid and my mom taught me. My first bracelet was a chevron then a candy stripe and for a long time I didn’t make anything because I couldn’t find patterns until I found bb!! My favorite part of the community is that you can meet so many people with a similar hobby and there’s tons of people you can go to for advice and help! I also love how encouraging and friendly everybody here is.
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by AlmaLlama

I'm a bracelet maker and knotter!

I'm from Romania and I would prefer not to say my age (that's the mysterious part of me hehe 😎)

I've started knotting in July 2022 because that's when summer break started and I got bored, I made a few braid bracelets from a kit (not friendship bracelets) and I thought it was cool and searched for some YouTube videos and I found Masha Knots' tutorial on the chevron bracelet and I got addicted! 🤩

My favorite part of this community is well...the community 😂 All the people on here are so nice and the challenges are as well veryyy fun. The (super)mods are literally amazing and so helpful and BraceletBook is just my escaping place from real life and drama ✨. I'm also very active to the site (maybe a little too much haha) so I can interact and help people almost every day which is awesome!
10 months, 4 weeks ago by FrancesKim
im frances Im 74 and From north carolina i started last week my Grandaughter showed me how To make them but The principals did not like my photos. That made me Sad