vent about your frustrations ❤️
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Penguins24
So basically what the title says: just venting. please nothing that needs trigger warnings, and if you disagree with something someone said, please just keep scrolling. Let's make this a supportive place ❤️ 😊
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Penguins24
I'll go first:I'm in high school and i feel very burnt out by stress. I cope by basically avoiding the work, which obviously doesn't help. I know this, and my mom knows this too. I just am so frustrated because she always comes into my room when I'm relaxing (admittedly, this is usually after I have been relaxing for a while) and will get mad at me and basically guilt me into doing other things. I just get really frustrated because she doesn't really seem to want to understand the root cause behind all the procrastination. I procastinate because literally thinking about schoolwork stresses me out. It isn't that it's boring or dull, it just genuinely stresses me out. She basically comes in, gets mad, gets more mad when I try to explain how I feel, then leaves. The worst part is that whenever this happens it just puts me in a bad mood, and I'm too upset to do the schoolwork anyway! So it's literally a lose-lose for everyone. We both walk away upset every time, and nothing ever gets done because of this. She always asks "What do you want me to do instead?" and honestly I don't really know, but I just am tired of this cycle! The worst part is that I literally haven't had a single grade below an A all year even with this bad of procrastination, so is it even worth her time? (my sleep schedule is trash though) I know she just wants me to have good time management, but this is just not working... |
11 months ago by goregirl
That sounds tough! I hope you figure things out and that things become more manageable for you!
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
so it’s my brothers senior year and he’s played baseball his whole life. he loves it. he’s committed to go play college baseball and i’m so proud of him. well at his last game a boy on his team (who’s always starting fights and just always talks crap) was talking crap to the other team (it always gets heated between them) and celebrated inappropriately at an in appropriate time and ofc the other boy got mad. there was a huge fight on the field and both benches cleared, parents, and police got involved. this boy has stolen my brothers truck (he got it back but still. and the school did nothing abt it) gotten in a fight with him (and lost 😭), and has now ruined my brothers senior year of baseball. (him and another boy got kicked off for instigating the fight, they also are two of the 4 best players on the team) so now his team is stuck with no third basemen or 1st string pitcher. it’s a very young team consisting of mostly sophomores, one freshman, a few juniors, and two seniors (one of which is not a starter). his team already wasn’t great so now their gonna be horrible. i feel so bad for him bc he loves baseball and now doesn’t even want to play. my mom absolutely hates this boy and has since they were little. he’s so disrespectful and is a major coward. the fight was so bad they made all fans leave the stadium, threw out multiple players, and then continued the game with no fans allowed to watch. we watched from across the lake outside the facility and that boy came up to me and said “i’m sorry are you okay” and he tried to hug me and i just looked at him and walked away. he’s caused so many unnecessary things to happen and caused my brothers senior year to suck. and on top of all this his parents are blaming my mom for him getting kicked off the team. all my mom did was email the coach saying if she didn’t think he handled it appropriately she wanted a conference. (this makes no sense bc the other boy that was kicked off my mom said nothing abt him bc 1. this is the first time he’s ever done anything like this. 2. he’s very respectful and just happened to let his anger get the best of him.) and he got kicked off so why wouldn’t the troublemaker be kicked off. so now there’s just sm drama it’s horrible. i just feel so bad for my brother
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
that was so long 😭
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
and the main reason the other boy who got kicked off, jumped in and threw punches was bc this boy is little and scrawny and can’t fight but always starts stuff. (our team only had those 2 boys throw punches, everyone else was trying to hold them back, but the other team pretty much everyone threw punches but thankfully admin & cops stopped it eventually).
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Penguins24
@tkd2010 wow that is really frustrating! I hope things get better for you and your brother!
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
tysm! i hope everything gets better for you as well 🩷
Bracelet King
10 months, 3 weeks ago by banankage
I was recently diagnosed as autistic and everything has fallen apart since then. I’m in the middle of an identity crisis and I cry to my parents about it every day. I have 3 friends. One just moved school and I haven’t seen her for 1 month, another is replacing me and the last is a backstabber. I hate going to school and I just need a break from everything. After people have found out I’m autistic (mostly family members) have been speaking to me so differently. They’re all acting like I’m either 7 years old or that I’m disabled so they “need to slow things down or else I’m confused” I AM THE SAME PERSON IVE ALWAYS BEEN!! just because I’m autistic doesn’t mean I’m dumb. Actually I’m top of my class. My parents keep telling me “now that you’re diagnosed you’re acting so much more autistic” YES OF COURSE! ITS CALLED UNMASKING!!!!! I’m so frustrated. (Not expecting anyone to even read all this but just typing it all out was relieving)