Help from the Christian community!
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by Cassie989
I have always been a Christian since I lived in a Christian family and have always had my faith in God and Jesus and believed in following the rules of the Bible. When I was 13 though, I began ignoring my Christianity and started doing some things I really shouldn’t have done. I became moody, wasn’t taking care of myself, disobeying my parents, lying, sneaking, doing things on the internet I shouldn’t have been, talking and interacting with the wrong people, being too secular, in some negative relationships, and a lot worse…. In this new year, I was changed by God. I gave up a lot of things like playing negative online video games, giving up on someone I loved but wasn’t good for me, online friends, using fowl language, and things that were obvious “no” in my new Christian life. Now I pray as much as I can, go to church on Sunday, and watch more Christian content on TV and YouTube. But, even after giving up a lot of evil, I feel confused whether or not I have to give up everything of my past, even the things that weren’t bad…. For example: I used to be into many fandoms like FNAF, Harry Potter, and Sonic the Hedgehog specifically. When I became more focused on my Christianity, I gave up on FNAF because I found it more negative and demonic and Harry Potter for obvious reasons. (If you like Harry Potter, that is fine… I gave it up because of how it affected me in my walk). But Sonic…. It never had negative effects on me besides maybe focusing on it too much. When I became more Christian, I now focus on it much less but still like it, watch the movies sometimes, play the games occasionally, and collect the Funko figures because I think they are cute. Is this wrong? As a Christian, should I not like something of this world? The Bible has many answers to this, but I find them confusing at times because though I am Christian, I am still finding my place and relationship with God. It is very hard to know when God is talking and when I am talking in my mind. I guess this means the same when watching a movie or show, playing a video game, listening to music, reading a book, etc. When doing all those things, I stay away from overly violent, lust inducing, and fowl content etc. now that I am more Christian. While I enjoy more Christian content now, I still like watching and listening to positive and “not specifically religious” media and content also that do not have negative effects on me. Is this wrong? Should I only be viewing and listening to religious media as a Christian? A topic that also confuses me is watching anime as a Christian. Some Christians are for and against it. I have never liked anime really but always thought about it since I really like the anime look and animation. Would it be wrong to watch it or maybe just specific ones? Like I said, I am just praying and looking for some guidance in this struggle and confusion. I really hope God makes it more evident to me based on the Christian community on Braceletbook. Thank you all for your help in advance and God bless you! 😍 😍 😇 😇 😇 |
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by lynx123
I just went on a missions trip and the talks in the evening were about this topic! I think that it is ok to have things you enjoy in this world, the only problem is if it comes between you and God. For example, you could watch a show and enjoy it, but if all you do is watch that show, and spend no time praying or reading your Bible, then it kind of becomes an idol in your life. I hope that made sense, i'll be praying for you 😄 ❤️
Bracelet King
11 months ago by fishyknots
I agree with @lynx123, it’s important not to idolize/put something before God. My youth pastor recently did a sermon series on idols and like the 2 main questions were, will I sin to get it?/will I sin if I don’t get it? Some things really depend on the person but if it negatively impacts your relationship with God, it’s best to drop it. For things like tv, books, my personal opinion is if it’s not demonic or stuff but has like other elements, it’s important to recognize why you’re watching it and be rooted in your faith. Also I’ve found that through time if it’s not helping your walk with God he’ll slowly remove your desires for it, for example I’ve been gravitating away from secular music lately. Hopefully that made sense. I’ll be praying!
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Cassie989
@fishyknots @lynx123 Thanks a lot! I feel better about it now. When I started putting God in my life more and started getting rid of the bad stuff, I felt better about giving it up and I no longer needed it. I used to idolize certain things too much and when I stopped "obsessing over" and "loving" these earthly things and just started "liking" and "enjoying sometimes" these things, I felt it was okay for me and my relationship with God wasn't threatened. For example, I used to "idolize" the Sonic franchise more and I thought about it too much. Now, I find myself thinking about it less and thinking about better things more but still enjoying it at a very limited and healthy amount. ❤️ I know now that as long as my relationship with God isn't threatened by it, it is fine as long as I do not get carried away. I'm trying to pray and do Bible study more too. Advice that helps me when watching shows and movies is that even if it is not specifically religious then I try my best to see the values of that show or movie that support biblical values of family, good vs evil, love, loss, hope, sacrifice, etc. If a show or movie honors and supports evil, lustful images or actions, foul language, bad morals, witchcraft, etc. then it is not good for me to watch as a follower of Jesus. Not all family-friendly or PG rated non-religious shows or movies are completely sinless or perfect (neither are we) but I try my best to see the light in the dark. If all I see is darkness and little to no light, it is not good for my eyes. The same comes to me with music also. Not all secular or non-religious music is bad, but songs with evil in it is. I just need to guard my heart. Thank you both so much! I really hope to hear your opinions about this again! God bless you both and thanks for the prayers! 😇 ❤️ ❤️(I was writing fast, so I apologize if my writing is sloppy) 😂 |