Things You Could Rave/Rant About All Day 💬🗣
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by SirSquirrl
I have many, many, many things I could go on about, but Trü Frü...THEY ARE HEAVENLY!!!! I absolutely adore the frozen dark and white chocolate raspberry ones. A combination of some of my two favorite things: Dark chocolate and frozen fruit ❤️ melt in your mouth pieces of HEAVEN I tell you!
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by fishyknots
DARK CHOCOLATEoh my gosh I live on this stuff not ONLY does it taste amazing, it also has HEALTH BENEFITS it's heart healthy! it's great for periods! it reduces cramps and nausea! nothing can describe the thrill of breaking that first square how delicious the darker the better you guys AND there are so many flavors! cherry, orange, caramel, sea salt, plain, literally endless |