11 months, 2 weeks ago by midnights
Just wondering if anyone on here has any tips on how to increase my chances of getting into schools like the Ivy leagues, Stanford, or UC’s, I’m starting to think of what I want to put on my application to stand out!
11 months, 1 week ago by xc2024
leadership stuff, like dont fill your resume with 400 clubs youre a member of, maybe be a president of one or two, and be a member of a few others, also grades + test scores, and write a memorable and relatable personal essay, like have a million english teachers read it for ya, good luck!!
11 months, 1 week ago by xc2024
also not to knock on the ivies and top universities, but mak sure youre going/applying cause you want to, not cause you feel like youre supposed to/can. i have a friend that got into princeton and didnt go there because he didnt think he would be happy there, just cause its a really good school doesnt mean its a really good school for you