my latin teacher wrote this song (Nero didnt start the fire)
11 months, 2 weeks ago by mythlover
(to the tune of we didn't start the fire)(Edited a few times for accuracy and to fit the Karaoke version of the song) If you need a mnemonic for emperors for yourself and/or your students, here is Nero Didn't Start the Fire: Empr’ Augustus Tiberius (Tie-Beer-Yus) Caligula Claudius (Calig-youla) Nero, Galba, Otho (Oh-tho or Aw-tho) and Vitellius Vespasian the Flavian (Ves-paysian the flave-ian) Titus and Domitian (dough-mish-ian or duh-mish-ian) Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, (Hay-dree-en) Antoninus Pi (Pie) These are the Roman Empra’s Up to Marc Aureli Well there weren’t so many Commodus and Pertinax Didius Julianus (Did-yus Ju-lee-ah-nus) Septimius Severus (Sep-ti-mi-us Se-ver-us) Caracalla, (Care-uh-call-uh) Macrinus Elagabalus, (Do Macrinus fast, accent the I ) Alexander Severus Maximinus Thrax (Max-ih-meenus) And the Gordians (I, II, and III) These are the Roman Empra’s Five were Julio-Claudian (Jewel-yo Claude-yen) Year of four then Flavian (Flahv-yen) These are the Roman Empra’s We’re up to 238 (as in the year) Can you keep all 6 straight Phil the Arab, Decius Gallus and Aemilian Valerian, Gallienus (Vuh-lair-yen) Claudius Gothicus (Claude-yus) Quintilius Aurelian Tacitus and Florian Probus Carus Ca- -rinus Numerian (Need to do Carinus quickly to make the rhythm work) These are the Roman Emperors We’re up to Diocletian Wouldn’t want to meet him These are the Roman Empra’s Now it’s split in four there are too many more and more and more and more... fyi don't sing the comments in parentheses, except for the pronunciation guides enjoy! |