Take this knotting realted quiz! page 2
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
1. Normal 2. Segment knotting 3. Clipboard and thread box 4. Evenings 5. Triangle ends and teardrop loops. 6. Normal knots and triangle starts 7. Since February 2023 8. Saw them on TikTok and found old and bad quality floss in my basement 9. Shortly after I started making bracelets 10. Keychains 11. Not really
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
Crap I accidentally posted it too early) 12. Sorta 13. Almost 3 months (October through mid December) 14. I have a lot more patience 15. New patterns keep me motivated. <3
Super Moderator
11 months, 2 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
1. Normal!2. Segment knotting 3. Knotting on a desk with clipboard 4. All the time! 🤪 5. Teardrop loop and triangle ends 6. Triangle ends 7. I've been knotting on and off since 2008 8. I don't remember how I got started. I think I just stumbled across it and fell in love 😅 9. 5 years, 4 months ago 10. Keychains 11. No 12. Depends 13. I don't remember 😅 14. I struggle with debilitating depression and anxiety, and bracelet making is like art therapy for me. I have social anxiety, but I love giving my bracelets to people I come across in my day to day life. It has helped me come out of my shell, and allows me to share a little piece of myself with others and brighten their day. 15. BraceletBook! I love being a Super Moderator and users inspire me to keep making bracelets! I also love giving bracelet as donations to local causes, so I usually have some type of project going on. 😊 |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Jasmijn3
1. Both2. segment knotting 3. desk 4. evening/ vacation: when I have free time 5. a braid 6. I don't have a favorite 7. 1.5 years 8. My mom taught me (I don't remember when) and I wanted to try making them again 9. 1 year and 4 months ago 10. both 11. most of the time not 12. Yes!! 13. I have no idea what 'slump' means (I'm not Englisch) 14. It's relaxing and I have something to do 15. The reaction of people when I give them a bracelet |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by harrypotty
1. Alphas2. Segment knotting 3. Clipboard 4. Usually evening to night 5. Teardrop loops and triangle ends 6. larks heads knots onto a dowel or d-ring, for bracelets just starting with a straight row and doing knots along the top to secure it(like the way you would end a keychain0 7. Almost exactly two years 8. I got a pack of string for my birthday and wanted to make pride bracelets 9. One year and ten months ago, around two months after I started knotting 10. Wallhangings 11. Yes, they look cool 12. Yeah 13. I don't really know 14. It gave me something to do, and it reignited my love for crafting. i also can just make things that fit my style without spending any money 15. The end result and expanding my collection |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
@Jasmijn3 'slump' means kind of a break of making bracelets, sorry if I don't explain it really well, I'm also not English 😅Like the question is, how long was your biggest break of making bracelets? For example, for me, my biggest slump was 3 months (I had stopped making bracelets for 3 months) Hope you will understand a little bit, lol, if you don't, I recommend asking an American/English user about this! |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Jasmijn3
Thank you for explaining it ❤️(I think my biggest slump was about a month) |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by RyanMarieS
1. Alpha 2. Segment knotting 3. I tape my bracelets onto notebooks lol 4. after school 5. I don't usually make normals but when I do, loops 6. loops 7. 3 months ago 8. My friend @pablotimon taught me lol 9. 3 months ago 10. keychains 11. yes! It shows the hard work you put into the bracelet 12. it honestly depends on my mood 13. a couple weeks 14. I now have something to do when I am bored 15. challenges |
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Lady_Madz
Ooh, this looks fun!1. Alphas all the way 2. All I know is row by row, learning segment knotting is something I keep putting off 3. Desk, it's easier to keep the bracelet stable 4. After dinner to late at night, about 10:00 at the latest 5. Loop with triangle ends for the start, just a triangle end to finish 6. Double loops & double triangle ends are a personal favorite, but a simple loop + triangle end for the start and a triangle end that splits off into 2 ties is something that I've done recently 7. 5-something years 8. My sister got a bracelet-making kit for her birthday, but she gave up because the paper instructions were hard to read so I borrowed *coughcough* *stole* *coughcough* it from her and looked it up on youtube. 9. Just 6 months ago, actually 10. Wallhangings, they're a bit of a challenge but worth it 11. For the most part, nobody sees it, so I neither like or dislike it. It just is. I haven't seen enough of it to form an opinion, really. 12. Yeah, but I only like them when they start looking like the youtube tutorial lol 13. Oh, years, I cannot even count the days 14. Knotting is a great anxiety reliever for me, it's a therapeutic hobby with a result you can be proud of 😄 15. Seeing the great photos of people's accomplishments on braceletbook reminds me that if they can do it, I can too! |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by doezknotz
1 normal 2 segment! 3 I don’t really have a set thing I do, but usually clipboard 4evenings 5 teardrop loops and braided ties! 6 crimp ends! 7 for 2 years! 8 People at the summer camp I went to were tying them to their water bottles, and someone taught me! 9 I have no idea 10 While I’ve never made either, I like the look of wallhangings better! 11 I don’t think it’s that bad! 12 Yep! 13 like 6 months lol 14 It made people like me more cause I gave them stuff 15 I don’t really know, but I think challenges! Some of these answers are weird, but here’s my opinion!
11 months, 1 week ago by rics_girl3
1. alphas2. row by row 3. clipboard 4. while I'm doing homeschool 5.triangle 6.flat 7. a few months 8. I was super bored 9. like November 10. none, bracelets. (but prolly keychains) 11.no. 12. nope lol 13. like a week ago. 4. I'm less board + have smth to do when I'm alone in public, and I'm not on my phone lol. 15. Gifting!!!! <333 |
11 months, 1 week ago by sourapples
1. More often alpha, but if i see an interesting normal, I’ll make those too! 2. Segment bc idk how to do row by row 3. I usually knot on my bed and pin it into the mattress 4. Most often in the summertime middle of the day/ afternoon 5. Starts i like the teardrop loop and ends twisted 6. Idk what it’s called but it’s like a triangle that you go back and forth and twisted ends 7. I’ve been knotting for like two ish years now 8. My friend made me a bracelet and i thought it was super cool so i asked for bracelet string for Christmas and got a book as well! 9. I made an account in the middle of my seventh grade year and got the app at the end so about a year ago 10. Wallhangings take too long, so keychains 11. Yea they have interesting textures sometimes 12. I don’t go out of my way, but sometimes yes 13. My biggest slump was from the end of summer after my 6th grade year to Christmas during my 7th grade year bc i didn’t have any string 14. It’s made me way more productive and not get on electronics and be idle so much 15. Something that keeps me motivated to make bracelets is making them for other people
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by KuteKat
1. Both 2. Segment knotting for sure 3. I have a lap desk that was given as a gift and is engraved and I use it for all my alphas and I use a clipboard for all my normals 4. Any time I’m free and motivated 5. Either loop then one triangle it it’s small, double triangle if it’s big or upside down triangle (idk the name), if I start with one technique I’ll end with that technique too, so basically just whatever I want for the bracelet (it also depends on what photos are added for the pattern 6. Usually I start on a dowel or keychain ring but if not then a single triangle, ends are whatever I feel like 7. Eight years!! 8. My mom taught me because I was a crafty child 9. Late 2021 I think, my friend told me about BraceletBook because I talked about struggling to find patterns 10. Both! Just depends on what I’m feeling at the moment 11. Most of the time I do, but not always 12. YES but I have to watch a video like a dozen times to try something new 13. Um like three or four years… 14. Yes!! It has improved my life, it’s a good creative outlet, makes awesome gifts for friends, is something to do with my hands, gives me a new, fun community and is just super cool and I love it!! 15. Seeing how impressed my friends are when I make something and give it to them, sometimes even I’m impressed, I’ll look back on my old photos and be like “I made that???”
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by AlmaLlama
Y'all answers are amazing!! I loved reading them all! ✨I will also answer the questions because I think it would be fun to do my own kind of quiz! 😂 1. both 2. segment knotting 3. clipboard 4. morning or evenings on weekdays and on the weekends anytime of the day 5. teadrop and triangle ends 6. a loop and 2 triangle ends after it 7. in the next summer I will celebrate 2 years since I made my first bracelet! 🎉 8. long story short, I was bored at home and found on youtube Masha Knots' chevron tutorial and I got obsessed 9. 1 year, 8 months ago (one month after I started knotting) 10. keychains all the wayyy 11. yes! 12. it really depends on my mood but usually no 🙈 13. 4 months 😭 14. I was struggling with a lot of things before I started knotting and making something with my hands just cleared out my mind and my life is wayyy more better now 15. challenges and the end result of a bracelet 😌 (happy that @RyanMarieS is also motivated by challenges 🤪 😄) |
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by Zaan_13
1. Alphas rn2. Segment knotting 3. Knotting on a clipboard resting atop a desk 😂 4. Usually evenings! 5. Teardrop start, braided ends 6. Depends on the use for the alpha - but mostly triangle starts and just a straight end 7. 11 years 8. Was looking for a craft to do over summer and found friendship bracelet tutorials on pinterest 9. 2013 (but only properly logged in back in 2021 😭) 10. Wallhangings (but as cross stitch!) 11. Pretty interesting to see how threads criss-cross when doing colour switches! 12. Sometimes, if there's a tutorial I can follow 13. 6 years 😭 😭 😭 14. Gives me something to do with my hands so i'm not fidgeting / picking at my skin. Helps with dexterity as well I think - as someone in a stem field I do not write anything by hand anymore 😭 😭 Anddd the last question: 15. Sometimes a really pretty pattern, other times I just start to miss it and want to clear out some of my to-dos! |
11 months, 1 week ago by xc2024
normal, segment, saftey-pinned to my jeans, when im bored, triangle, i hate alphas so none, 10 years, mom taught me, uhh idk, keychain, no, on occasion, 3 years, ummm idk, nothing lol
10 months, 3 weeks ago by 01289
1.normal 2 segment 3 safety pin and pillow 4 evenings 5 braids 6 i don't do alphas 7 5 years 8 a day camp leader gave me string 15 money I sell them
10 months, 3 weeks ago by Lluii
1. Normal, I want to learn how to do alphas2. Depends on how new the pattern is to me but usually segment knotting 3. When making loops on a desk, then I move to a pillow or if I'm on the go I tie them down to my trousers 4. Weekends, commute, whenever I have some spare time and I can't read 5. I like triangle ends and for starts it depends on the bracelet, mostly tear shaped loops or regular loops if I'm not feeling fancy 6. Haven't made any alpha yet heh 7. Uhh, around 9 years 8. When I was little I went to a sort of camp where they would do them a lot, they had patterns and a lot of thread, but it was all normal patterns. An older friend taught me there 9. Around 1 year and 8 months ago I think? 10. Keychains are very cute and I prefer them because I can bring them with me 11. Never made an alpha but from what I've seen I prefer the front 12. Yesss 13. VERY long, around... 6 months? Studies get to me and I don't have time 14. It's very relaxing and it has offered me some opportunities to make special things for people 15. Honestly, the end result, the confused faces I get from people in public transport, and people asking me to teach them how to do them |
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by emilyyy307
1. Both 2. Segment knotting 3. Clipboard or if I’m filming I use my desk 4. Afternoon cause that’s when I get bored 5. Knot and triangle or the diagonal end I don’t what it’s called😂 6. Flat ending 7. 5 years on and off 8. I went to an after school program in elementary school and they had string there 9. June 2023 10.keychains 11. No 12. No 😂 13. 2 years… 14. So I don’t get too bored during summer 15. The finished product
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by twin1234
Hahaha I love this.