Take this knotting realted quiz!
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
I find really interesting that how different people knot, so I have a few questions for you! 😊1. Alpha, normal or both? 2. Segment knotting or row-by-row method? 3. Knotting on a desk, clipboard or something else? 4. When do you usually knot (like in the morning, evenings, etc.)? 5. What kind of starts and ends do you prefer making at normals? 6. What kind of starts and ends do you prefer making at alphas? 7. From how long have you been knotting? 8. How you started making bracelets? 9. When did you made an account on here? 10. Wallhangings or keychains? 11. Do you like a back of an alpha? 12. Do you like trying new techniques? 13. How long was your biggest slump? 14. How knotting improved your life? Anddd the last question: 15. What keeps you motivated to make bracelets? Thanks for putting your time in reading and maybe answer this quiz. Hope you have an amazing day! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by fishyknots
1. alpha2. segment knotting 3. clipboard 4. whenever i feel like it 😂 (usually afternoon/evening) 5. loop -> triangle end 6. loop -> 2 triangle ends 7. 1 year 8. my aunt taught me when I was 5 9. april 2023, 3 months after i started knotting seriously 10. keychain 11. yep they look cool sometimes 12. not really once i found the ones i like 13. maybe like 2 months? 14. it's a relaxing hobby 15. the end result |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
1. normal. 2. segment knotting. 3. i usually use tape. 4. usually in the evenings. 5. triangle starts & ends. 6. double triangle starts & ends. 7. since spring of 2020. 8. i was rlly bored right before quarantine started so i bought some thread. then when quarantine started i became obsessed. 9. spring of 2020 (when i was barely starting). 10. keychains. 11. no i think it looks kinda messy. 12. not rlly, i like to stay in my comfort zone. 13. abt 10 months. 14. it helps a lot with my anxiety. 14. honestly, giving bracelets to my friends! especially my two best friends who both have a ton and always wear at least one every day <3
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
I love this idea! 1. Both lol 2. Row by row! It's the way I learned and I tried to segment knot with a 20 string bracelet and I feel like it didn't turn out as nice 3. Clipboard with slits in the bottom for 14 strings 4. Usually the afternoon or at night before I go to bed 5. A braid and triangle start if I can 6. Braid and triangle start as well lol 7. Spring of 2019 I think 8. I had gotten a kit for Christmas with instructions on how to read patterns and make bracelets 9. Summer of 2023! 10. Definitely keychains 11. Yes, unless i seriously messed it up lol 12. Usually. But if it looks extremely complicated then I'll be more hesitant in trying it 13. 6 months or so I think 14. It has inspired me to be more outgoing and I think it has helped with some anxiety ~15~ the smiles I get when I give someone a bracelet. Just their reaction to a little thing I made with my hands is enough ❤️ |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by gaily_gal
1. both but im in my normal phase rn2. segment knotting 3. clipboard or pillow 4. usually in the evening 5. loop and triangle ends 6. braided ties 7. since mid 2019 (4-5 ish years but technically only 2-3 cause of a huge slump) 8. got a kit for my birthday in ‘19 9. july 2023 10. keychains 11. yeah cause it looks interesting 12. if it’s cool and easy then yes 13. 2 & 1/2 years omg 14. it keeps me busy + it’s fun 15. finishing it + expanding my collection |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Kayla517
1. Depends on mood but in general alpha 2.segment 3. Safety pin on fabric or tape on binder depending on if I start with a loop 4. Usually between late afternoon to evening 5.Either a single twist tie on both sides or loop at start with two twist ties at end and always do triangle ends 6.Same as normal 7.May 2023 8. Bought some cheap craft thread and found out by watching YouTube tutorials 9. October 2023 10. Keychains 11. They’re cool to look at 12. I do usually because it helps learn more 13. Probably 3 weeks 14. Makes me feel more creative and less dependent on shopping 15. Tell myself to do a bit everyday and always seeing new ideas and patterns.
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
1- both. 2- I only know how to do row by row lol. 3- okay the way I do this is kinda weird, so I take all my base strings and put them in a mason jar and screw the lid on, which keeps the in place really nicely so I can make tight knots and not have the strings move. Then for extra stability I put the jar in a drawer and close it as much as I can…it’s odd but it works lol. 4- whenever I have free time and feel like it, which can be whenever. 5- I usually braid all of them. 7- I started knitting in 2021, been doing it on and off since then. 8- a friend taught me and my friend group how to make them for a class retreat, and I really liked it so I bought some string and kept going. 9- February of 2024. 10- wallhangings take SO LONGG but are super worth it in the end. Keychains are nice too though. 11- no but, it is what it is. 12- yes! But I tend to give up pretty easily and it can be frustrating. 13- I think 6-10 months. 14- it helps with my anxiety a crap tone. It’s such a comforting activity to me, I love it so much. 15- the outcome, the beautiful designs people make and being able to give them to people and make them happy. Thanks for this quiz! It was super fun 😄
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
Oops I meant I only know how to segment knot. My bad
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
Also knotting not knitting 😭😭😭
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by kamilii777
Both, segment, clipboard, late night like 1am, triangles starts and ends, triangle start and ends, since august 2023, I found an old bracelet from 2019 I made and continued it and I found it really fun and did research, I made this account in September or august 2023, keychains I am yet to make a wall hanging, Yes it shows my labour of each color change, yes but its scary sometimes, 3 weeks 😭, knotting gives me an activity to do when im stressed, happy, every emotion and it keeps me calm, making my bracelet stack larger!!
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by kamilii777
I always do a loop I can never not do a loop even if it isnt the same string idc
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by unique_ly
1. Both, actually2. Segment knotting 3. On my purse where you typically put keychains (if there’s a loop) 4. Whenever I feel like it 😛 5. Loops and twisted ties 6. The same with normals 7. About a year, I guess? 8. Needed some crafty way too make money for fun, and I found out about friendship bracelets online 9. 3 months ago 10. Keychains (I’ll need to muster some HIGH motivation for the former…) 11. No, if it’s not neat, but absolutely yes if it is, it almost looks better than the front 12. Yesss 13. 2 weeks? 14. In short, in more ways than one 15. The occasional money, but also having a collection of things that were made by me, and plus, I get to wear them. |
11 months, 3 weeks ago by unearthly
1. alpha 2. segment 3. clipboard 4. in the afternoon 5. triangles 6. triangles 7. i think almost 5 years? i started the summer of 2019 8. my aunt got me a bracelet making kit as a gift 9. i think 2021-2022 10. keychains 11. no 12. sometimes i do if i feel like itll make my bracelets easier to make/look better 13. like 2 years💀 14. its a hobby and it gives me something to do with my free time 15. the community on braceletbook ngl, like seeing all the challenges and photos and the community tab
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Cow28
1. Both2. Segment knotting 3. On a desk with a clipboard 4. Whenever I have free time pretty much 🤪 5. I like adding a button w/ a teardrop loop 6. Same as normals 7. About 5 years but not consistently. For the first 2 it was only Chinese staircases I had no idea about others 😂. The most consistently tho like since I joined bb. 8. My cousin thought me candy stripe then years later I learned others. What’s funny is the tables have turned and now I’ve taught my cousin to make a candy stripe 9. 3 months ago 10. keychains but I’d like to make a wall hanging someday 11. Um wdym 12. Yes! Unless I’m feeling lazy 13. A year or two before I really learned more than a Chinese staircase 14. I am not bored as much and I always have something to look forward to doing Anddd the last question: 15. It’s just so fun and Bracelet Book challenges really help too |
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Cupcakafro
1. Alpha!2. Row by row! Segment knotting confuses me 🫠 3. So I have this flat piece of....I don't exactly know what it is XD It's supposed to go under my computer to protect me from the EMFs, but I tape my bracelet to it and do it in my bed😆 4. Evenings, but my work scedule just got changed to all evenings, so that may change lol 5. I haven't actually made a normal in a while! But it looks like a loop with ties at the end? 6. I LOVe wallhangings! So those starts with tapestry ends 😍 7. I FIRST started, like the first time I ever made a friendship string bracelet was probably....three years ago? But then I stopped doing it for a couple years, and then got back into it XD I'm a phase kinda gal 8. A friend who's a few years older than me, originally introduced me to chevrons and it bloomed from there 9. Just last year!! 🎉 10. Oh my gosh I love both so so much. But let's go with wallhangings 11. Why not! I don't really have much thought on it XD I don't notice it (; 12. Yep!! Soon I hope to learn how to make those bookmark ones!!! 13. I guess technically two years? XD But it was less of a slump, more of switching and dropping hobbies. But I came back to it so it's okay 😌 14. Well I've sold some! And it's great for gifting, and it makes me feel special when I finish one XP 15. The cute outcomes!! Also don't worry about the typo XDD If I'm being honest, I didn't notice till you said it 😂 😎 |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
1. both for sureee 2. SEGMENT 3. something else, i put the knot in he headphone jack of my ipad 😅 4. evenings
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
oop sry didn't finish! anyways 5. adjustable braid 6. just making it on a safety pin with larks head and tying it off 7. yes 8. camp ofc 9. a few months ago 10. keychains 11. it's cool 12. definitely 13. six years 14. relaxing and i listen to podcasts and audiobooks lol 15. if i don't finish the string is wasted, plus i love the cool patterns
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
1. alpha2. row-by-row (my segment knotting never turns out right 😂) 3. clipboard 4. at the end of the day to wind down 5. teardrop loop start, triangle ends 6. teardrop loop start, braided ends 7. about 4 years on-and-off, i really started knotting this january 8. bracelet kit for my 8th b-day 9. this january 10. keychains 11. yes, the progress is cool 12. sometimes 13. idk awhile 14. helped me relax after a long day 15. the satisfaction of finishing and seeing the result |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Wolf-lover
1. both 2.Segment knotting 3. clipboard 4. Idk 😐 5. Triangle ends 6. Alpha triangle ends 7. 3 ish years 8. At a summer camp 9. 1 year and 4 months 10. Keychains 11. NO 12. Yes 😊 13. A few months 14. Idk 🤔 15. I like watching YouTube of somebody else knotting 👍