I need to vent abt a boy, Its a semi long story
1 year ago by N_O_P_E
So there is this kid I met at an annual school event where we go up against the school from the other side of the county. We were supposed to be separated a kid from school w and then a kid from school e with a seat In between us, but the seat was broken so the Kid ( we will call him ab) was right next to me. We talked the whole time about everything and nothing all at once, it was great and I really liked him. Later on the bus back to my school I was talking with my other friends about him abd how cute and sweet and smart he was. I accepted I wasn’t going to see him again and moved on almost forgetting about him. But exactly a year later on the day we met he was at a basketball game I was at ( coincidentally the only game I ever went to this season) and him and his dad were talking to my friends family and I was shocked. That night my friend called me and explained that he was a long time family friend she hadn’t seen in like 9 years and him and his dad were at the game bc his dad is an attorney and going to be a judge( this is important bc I want to be a lawyer and go into law related stuff) and her mom works with his dad. Well the next day we were talking about what happened with our math teacher we are really close with and turns out she literally babysat him when he was younger. A couple weeks later my other friend went to a different game that I was going to go to but didn’t bc I was sick and there him and his dad were. My friend and a couple other people went up to him showed him a picture of me and asked if he remembered me ( he does!!!) so that means I either left a really good or bad impression on him🫣. She also happened to casually mention I have a crush on him (thanks a lot) and was sending me pictures she sneakly took of him. Fast forward a month and we are at a different anual school event thats on the weekend and im with my friend that went up to him and like 6 boys from my school just talking when who do I see walk in you guessed it Ab. I quickly hide my face cause im gonna cry and I start freaking out and everyone was like whats wrong what’s happening. One of the boys there knows about what happened with him and recognized him and grabbed another boy and went to harass Ab. The other boys brother and another one of the kids ran over there so they could help embarrass me, I was hiding my face behind a food bag the whole time because they kept looking over at me and making faces which in turn made Ab look over. After a long conversation they had with him the boy who recognized him ran back over with the rest of them and started yelling about something but wouldn’t really tell me what they talked about and I was freaking out. So I ran over to my math teacher and was freaking out ( she was there because her son was also in the competition event thing) and she was telling me how Ab was there because his younger brother was in it and telling me I should go talk to him (that definitely did not happen). Later on after the award show I grabbed my project out of the gym and made eye contact with Ab after specifically trying to hide and avoid him but he didn’t look scared or anything so I hope the boys didn’t traumatize him too much. The problem is there is another competition happening in April( Ik we compete a lot with the other school 🤷♀️) and he was at it last year but im not sure if I want to go, i most likely am but im scared because I know he’s going to be there and I want to talk to him the only problem is he knows I like him so that makes me nervous. Also like I feel like its fate that we keep seeing each other everywhere and I really want to talk to him more but it will just be really awkward so idk. |
1 year ago by N_O_P_E
Sorry about the giant paragraphs there is just a lot abt it
1 year ago by yeehaw4289
hey girly teen girl!! my roommate and i had a total blast reading this. our advice is simple: you're gonna muster up all of the bravado that you can find within yourself and ATTEND THAT SCHOOL COMPETITION! Then, when you see Ab, you'll look him in the eyes and then you'll know if it's fate or not. Go up to him (alone, alphas must do it alone) and maintain intense eye contact. Then, you will serenade him with these words: "This is my fight songTake back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me" Then, he'll have no choice but to immediately propose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this helps! |
1 year ago by N_O_P_E
@yeehaw4289 omg yes this is perfect lol, it helps alot 😂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Zaan_13
I think you should go! He probably wanted to give u space @ the last event bc he must've realised how everyone was heckling you about him and didn't want to add to it. If you see him next time hopefully you can chat with him before anyone else decides to nag him lol. Maybe he's nervous as well, you never know. Hope it goes well!
1 year ago by N_O_P_E
@Zaan_13 Ive decided that im going to sign up and all my friends that were at the first school event will be there with me so it won’t be so bad, and all of the people harassing him won’t so itll be nice, Im just scared I dont know what I would say to him if we did talk, it would be really awkward
12 months ago by N_O_P_E
Sooooo update- At some point the cop that acts as a security guard for my school found out about Ab bc we were talking about him with the math teacher and he walked in. And he was at this charity event for the school and saw Abs parents who he and his wife both know abd he talked to them. The topic of the school came up and he was talking about how some girls came up to him talking about how a girl likes him. His mom told the cop that Ab begged her to say hi to me( we aren’t sure what her work is but im gonna find out today from my math teacher who’s friends with her).
Bracelet King
12 months ago by Zaan_13
How are AB and his family so popular honestly 😂 such a small world! But that's so nice that he wanted to come and talk to you!
12 months ago by 18390648
This story is literally so good!! I’ll try and think of some advice for you(:
12 months ago by N_O_P_E
@18390648. Thank you lol 😂 , and anything helps
12 months ago by 18390648
Ok, so I did some thinking and maybe you could just go to things that he is, don’t avoid him, but i wouldn’t recommend walking up to him and talking to him YET, even though if he walks up to u don’t not talk to him. Hope that makes sense lol. For now, maybe just smile and wave when u see him. Later maybe you can talk to him, but for now I would just smile and wave. (Ok realizing I said that twice lol) hope this all makes sense- feel free to ask me to reword it if that’s helpful lol
12 months ago by 18390648
Also BE CONFIDENT. If someone teases you or Ab again just pretend it doesn’t bother you(:
12 months ago by N_O_P_E
@18390648 thank you!
12 months ago by 18390648
12 months ago by N_O_P_E
Omg so now the cop is trying to get me to invite Ab to our school dance or go to his like dog-
11 months, 4 weeks ago by N_O_P_E
Today was the next level of one of the
11 months, 4 weeks ago by N_O_P_E
School competitions( where Ab got harassed at last time) and one of my friends that were there took some pictures of him ( bc im a stalker and wanted them😂) and he was setting uncomfortably close to a girl in the picture it looked like he touched her leg( it could just be the angle) so like i sound a little crazy and jealous but Im pretty upset about it. Its just not fair and shes kinda an awful person but thats someone hes able to see all the time and talk to because they go to the same school and they know each so its just a little worrisome. I get it, i sound like a psycho ex girlfriend but its just not fair and they may not even like each other and it doesn’t matter that they talk it just makes me jealous. I really don’t like feeling this way but I can’t help it I really like him its just soooo frustrating for me.
11 months, 4 weeks ago by N_O_P_E
I just don’t know how to deal with it
11 months, 4 weeks ago by 18390648
Ok, first when is the school dance?
11 months, 4 weeks ago by 18390648
And then the thing about ab and the girl idk what to say about that… I would act like u don’t care FOR NOW and just think In the opposite way to deal with it. This probably sounds stupid and makes no sense but yea. What I mean by think of it in the opposite way is maybe they both know they hate each other and are trying to hide it for some reason.