We're ( . . . ) Of Course We ( . . . ) page 24
7 months, 2 weeks ago by TS-4Ever
@ningc98 sorry
7 months, 2 weeks ago by TS-4Ever
Im a percussionist ofc people think i only play the drums
7 months, 2 weeks ago by singingamp
We’re Pokémon fans. Of course we are eternally bitter about Alain beating Ash. We’re viola players. Of course every time we tell someone what instrument we play they say “that’s not how you pronounce violin” or “you’re making that up to be special”
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
were violinists. ofc we audition for solos even tho there’s 100 other people auditioning and we know we have no chancewere violinists. ofc we play forte no matter what. were violinists. ofc we always want first violin and wont settle for second. were violinists. ofc we hate shifting on the e string. were violinists. ofc our fingers always hurt after practicing bc the strings are so thin. |
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by kambri1224
I’m a dancer with back flexibility, of course I will be constantly doing backbends just for fun and then complain about back pain.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Moogle
We're digital artists, of course we spend 30 minutes painting only to find out it was on the wrong layerWe're digital artists, of course we download 1000 different brushes but only use 5 We're digital artists, of course we have posts that flop if it isn't fanart We're digital artists, of course we have our art reposted without credit We're digital artists, of course we have terrible posture (I could go on 🥲) |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by violasrule
We're pole vaulters, of course we can almost fall off the edge of the pits and act like we didn't almost break a bone!We're pole vaulters, of course we have to do obscure drills in our backyards to practice until the judgey next door neighbors stare and try to figure out what's up. We're pole vaulters, of course we have an excellent practice only to have a terrible result at a meet the very next day. We're pole vaulters, of course everyone else on the track team wants to interrupt our practice and try our sport. We're pole vaulters, of course we'll be mad even when we get a PR because it still isn't as good as we want it to be. I could say so much more... I'm full of "We're pole vaulters, of course we..." I mean at this point this silly little sport is my entire personality, so what else do you expect? |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by violasrule
@singingamp THE VIOLA ONE IS SO RELATABLE OMG@ningc98 yeah you guys need to play a lil bit softer... us violas need to be heard for the 1 measure we get a couple eighth notes of the melody... 😉 |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
@violasrule yep… once the violas had ONE WHOLE MEASURE of the melody and the violins had whole notes. lets just say we were a little bit too loud
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by violasrule
@ningc98 literally our violinists will not calm down with the fortissimo... their passage could be like in piano and our conductor has told them so many times to not play too loud... and yet still, my right ear is overwhelmed by how loud they play
7 months, 1 week ago by Skraw
I'm a vtuber, of course people automatically assume my model has ridiculously large chest.I'm have hip dysplasia, of course people ask "why does someone so young carry a cane?" I draw in public, of course people ask if I'll draw them and immediately get mad when I say either "no" or "you can see my rates on my website." I'm young and do various fiber arts, of course going to a specialty yarn store garners glaring looks from the older women who don't like new faces. [It's happened more than I'd like to admit ;-;] *My model is alien who wears armor lol *Sometimes my left hip just refuses to work without pain, so I have a cane in case of an episode *Any artist can relate, I think *Seriously, I just want cotton yarn and I can't find it because the store isn't marked well, why do they give me the death glare??? |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by doezknotz
I’m obsessed with fictional characters ofc I want to give them a hug and wrap them up and protect them. They are sacred (while I was typing my keyboard suggested me to say ‘Charlie’ I’m not joking AHHAHAHA(heartstopper thing, I’m a bit obsessed…))
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by fordchild1
i read thriller books, of course I love a good girls guide to murder.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Yelena09
We’re gen z kids. Of course most of our humor is just Vine references.
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by eglaf
@violasrule As a fellow pole vaulter, i can relate! And the good practice/terrible meet is too real!
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by violasrule
@eglaf yeah... I actually just had a meet yesterday, lol. Was clearing a 10' bungee in practice and in the meet I came in really early to make sure I got a height... couldnt even clear 6'6" 🙁 but oh well, at least I got ice cream after lol
Bracelet King
6 months ago by Yelena09
I just got out of a book slump. Of course I'm terrified to read anything in case it sends me back in, but I've also got seven books on my list ...
Bracelet King
6 months ago by 201217
I’m a violinist, of course I’m always asked if I can play ‘Devil Went Down To Georgia’
Bracelet King
6 months ago by kpn
we're genshin players, of course our expectations get higher every time we can't pull the five star
Bracelet King
6 months ago by kpn
we're genshin players, of course people ask if it's an anime