help me find pattern ideas for a shop my friend has!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by karalee98
Hey y’all! So my friend reached out to me she is opening a little shop and she asked me to make some bracelets and keychains to add to it.

I’m needing some pattern ideas to start out with where I can make easily and in bulk for the shop.

I know spring is coming up and then summer as well as a few holidays. I’m just stuck on finding good patterns that would be easier to make a bunch of. Both normal and alphas are what I’m looking for. So please send me some number ideas.

I love the wave pattern for summer
But what other patterns would be cute 🥰
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by RyanMarieS
@karalee98 Here are a few simple ones that I love!!
btw... Candy stripe or chevron could be really easy to make multiple at once and color choices could be super cute!! 😍