start venting about stuff that you need to get out page 3
1 year ago by Ashes123
@kpn yes most my friends saw him ask me out, and so now its awkward cuz they still call us a thing since we act like it. Its very complicated cuz he went and told everyone and then went and vented to them about the predicament he got himself into before telling me his feelings 😭
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 it's not uncommon to talk to friends abt a crush before the actual person, but it sounds for you like nothing changed anyways,
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 IT SENT AGAIN SRY anyways if you guys were a movie, i think it'd be that you're both really in love but think the other is less interested. classic trope lol! anyhoo, i'm sry that happened bc it is awkward. if it's over now, maybe just let it go and be cool w him? on your side bestie 🩵
1 year ago by Ashes123
@kpn I'll totally try my best, and see where things go. Ngl its very hard though lol. But thank you sooo so much😂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 yeah ofc!!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
aww tysmm! yeahhh he definitely will. i’m just rlly nervous if they try to get me and the guy i like to go tg 😭
1 year ago by lilygiesen
@caroliney i think that the people at your school should except you for who you are if they don’t don’t pay attention to them they don’t matter what matters is you so if you need to get something out just do it! Also I love the verse in your bio 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
update pt. 2 😭 sooo i don’t think i’m gonna go with my friend bc i’ve decided i don’t rlly want to go with a date. buttt my friends are trying to get me to go with the boy i like even tho that would be awkward as heck bc we’re both rlly awkward. buttt we have over 2 months until formal so i’ll figure something out 😭
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@caroliney @lilygiesen that's so true!! all great points, and that verse is super pretty! don't forget that the things of this world don't ultimately matter at all compared to how God sees you, so you don't have to be scared about how they perceive you. If they end up tearing you down, drop them like you're the last one playing hot potato, girl
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@tkd2010 two awkward people always makes for some great television on tv shows, just saying! but maybe you should just go in a friend group, no dates if that's what you want? idk, just brainstorming here (:
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
true true 😭 yeah i don’t rlly wanna go w a date bc it’s so much trouble yk? but one of my bsfs is going with a date and she didn’t wanna be the only one that’s why she wants me and our other bsf to have a date haha. buttt she said it’s fine if we don’t wanna go with dates (she just wanted us to bc she’s only talking w the boy she’s going with, they aren’t even dating yet soo). but it’ll work itself out 🙏🏼
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@tkd2010 alr, just don't let anyone pressure you into anything
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
yeah fss
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Penguins24
Literally i've got the same issue as @caroliney ... people i know will prolly find this and be like wut
1 year ago by caroliney
@kpn @lilygiesen thanks guys ❤️
1 year ago by caroliney
@Penguins24 it’s rough i SWEAR my opps are on here 🤫
1 year ago by lizp13
there's this guy in my class, lets call him M, who i have had a crush on since october 2. i know everything about him. and there's this girl in my class who i have been friends with since 3rd grade. she was the first person i told. a few months ago she told me she liked M, but then 2 weeks later she changed her mind. than last week she told me who he liked. unfortunately, its not me even though we have everything in common. she said that he liked her. but thats not the worst part. she said she liked him too. and me being the caring friend that i am told her i was happy for her. then i cried on my way home from school. somehow the whole school knows about it now, and every time someone mentions it it makes me feel like crying. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 i sit next to M, so every second of every day i am reminded of thier relationship 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@lizp13 omg i'm so sorry dude. that's a really crummy friend, dating your crush when she knows. don't be mean to her, but you don't have to stay as close friends with her. that was super mean of her and you don't have to like it. maybe you could ask a teacher to switch the seating chart up? you could make up an excuse like you can't focus around the people at your table or smth? again, i am so crazy sorry, dude. that's a pretty bad friend of her and it's not justifiable to start dating your best friend's crush. make sure you don't do the same thing to her, but you should still be nice to her and tell her nicely that it really hurts. i also recommend some good solid angry loud music accompanied by some chill stuff , that's always surprisingly therapeutic. arctic monkeys, radiohead, black keys, cage the elephant, chase atlantic, the killers, and mcr are always good for that (:
1 year ago by lizp13
thanks so much. it really helped. my teacher said she would move my desk
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@lizp13 yay! i'm so glad to help bro i hope it gets better