start venting about stuff that you need to get out page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
I ordered the lights for my latest project A WEEK AGO and they've been "on a truck" an hour away since Thursday.
My project is put on hold until they come and I've been looking forward to it for so long that I can't start another one rn
So I'm stretching out everything else till my lights come
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
So. If you complain about a delivery...
It shows up.
So im good now 🙃
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kpn
@Hylia224 well that's good that it's here! what are the lights like?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kpn
@tkd2010 that is... dramatic to say the least but that's why i'm here hehehehe so are you friends with the other guy you want to ask? bc if so, you could ask him just as friends and let things develop from here, or even ask him genuinely if he wants to go with you as a THING. if the other guy does ask you, there's no shame in saying no thx but let's be friends. but anyways, if you've literally just spoken at all to this other guy before, i'd say you got a chance. GO FOR IT BESTIE LIVE WITHOUT REGRETTING ANYTHINGGGG
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
They're just string lights. Just one long strand with tiny bulbs. I'm threading them through "pockets" that I made in a dress but they came with a remote so I can change the colors. They're really nice and I'm going to put them in IMMEDIATELY ✨️
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kpn
@Hylia224 oh i LOVE THOSE omg they're so fun, i got like 6 rolls for near free at a yard sale and absolutely went to town on them it's fantastic lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Hylia224
They're fantastic!!! I got 39 feet of them for $15!!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kpn
@Hylia224 well that's just awesome
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by tkd2010
umm well we talk a little bit but i wouldn’t say we’re necessarily friends. we have a few classes together and he borrows a pen or we exchange answers at least once a day haha. but we’ve only had a few actually conversations but he told me a lot abt him (since he just moved down here this summer) buttt i still have until like may for a friendship to form yk? 😭 yeahhh if that dude does ask i’ll probably just politely say no unless circumstances change yk bc he’s pretty nice and cool. well tysmm you’ve been a great help 🤭🤍
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kpn
@tkd2010 totally go for it bro y'all could become great friends, maybe get together with a couple friends and him (maybe his friends too if you have any mutual friends) and you could form a lovely lil group
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by tkd2010
yeahh we have lots of mutuals. maybee but i’m just soo awkward and he is too so i feel like it will be soo hard yk? 😭
1 year ago by sourapples
Well i had a huge crush on this guy this October through like December until i found out he liked one of my friends so i lied to him and told him i liked his brother now and I didn’t like him anymore but i still really liked him and then he liked who his brother liked but then he didn’t so i told him that i didn’t like his brother anymore and then he liked one of my close friends who is literally the best person on earth and i just really like him and she doesn’t like him but i just want her to be happy and him to like me so idk what to do
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
updateeee i told my two bsfs i like himmm! andd so we’re have our formal coming up in a few months and i was gonna just go with one of my guy best friends, as friends. (he either wanted to ask me or our other friend but she doesn’t want to go with a date) sooo he’s probably gonna ask me. but if he was to ask our other friend, my two bsfs were gonna try to get the boy i like to ask me 😭 bc we’re tryna go with our friend group and their friend group but make dates out of it yk?
1 year ago by Ashes123
Aww I didn't think I'd be saying stuff like this until now lol. Buuuut uhh I have this big crush on a boy whos like 5 months younger then me... we've been hanging out sooo much lol, and talking a lot. But theres this other girl (this is gonna sound so weird) but shes a lot older then him and i don't get it. Cuz the second she comes back hes always talking to her and not me, and we were gonna start dating, (he was even the one that asked me) but then he backed out of it and said it was a little much and he wasn't ready, but were literally doing the exact same things we were doing before so it hasn't bothered me that much yet. But he also asked me out in front of this girl and idkk why it kinda made me upset cuz no one really knew about us ( she was also upset at him), and like every night we are staying up till 2am talking... but I feel a little in over my head, but we have so much on common and he knows my deepest struggles, and he makes me happy when im around him. But I feel kinda rejected when this girl just comes in and then he leaves and is out with her... and then when shes not working on the weekends hes always talking to her, so then we don't stay up till 2am like we always do. But he says he loves being around me, hes super sweet he tells me he loves me etc. But idk what to do, should i be open with my feelings and tell him? I can't help but think he may like her more or smth idkkk. HELP
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@sourapples ngl dude that's a lot of information and i'm sorry things had to go that way but i think you still have hope? i personally think the best thing to do would be to keep his happiness in mind too. it may just not work out for you guys (i totally hope it does tho) and you'll have to accept that he'd be happier w someone else, but on the other hand, life goes on and people's emotions change. he may like you again, who knows! for now, i'd just suggest you stay nice to him and keep being a good friend for him. maybe things will become romantic, maybe they won't, but you'll make a good friend in the process. i have friends that i've crushed on and it didn't end up being romantic, but i'm still so happy to have them as a friend. i hope stuff goes well for you tho!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@tkd2010 yay i'm so glad you told them, congrats!! if you really want to go with the other guy, i bet your friend would respect that. you could just tell him there's someone else you'd like to ask, but if that falls through, you'll still go w him. if it gets to be too much, don't forget that you can tell your friends there's boundaries to doing stuff like that. but have a good time w them!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 that's super cute bro! you guys sound like a fantastic couple, but i have some notes if you don't mind. you shouldn't be jealous of his friends, for one. i've had that issue before and it only made things worse for myself. if she's a lot older, there's a good chance he doesn't like her romantically. i don't think there's anything wrong with the guy himself, it may just be everybody internalizing. you may see her as (forgive the metaphor, i got nothing better) competition while he sees her as just a good friend. i think he does like you a lot back, but it's completely fair if he isn't ready to date. you said yourself that you feel a bit overwhelmed. i think what you should do is let things go at a pace you're both comfortable with but pursue this relationship. it sounds pretty healthy and happy, so y'all should be good there. as for the other girl, just let her be. maybe you could become friends w her too! you don't have to be jealous of her if you really trust the guy. ik it sounds so cliche, but the key to the relationship really is trust. trust that he isn't cheating if you guys become a couple, trust that he has platonic friends as well, trust that he likes you a lot, and he'll do the same for you. you can tell him, ofc, that you don't love being ghosted when she shows up. that's a completely understandable feeling and it's valid for everyone. maybe you could put your thoughts into writing for him, or call him? anyways, good luck there! keep me updated if stuff changes, i'm here!
1 year ago by Ashes123
@kpn well I'm actually good friends with her. But I couldn't help seeing the things he was saying to her ngl i was kinda jealous so i stopped hanging out with them both at the same time. And then after that we got close after she had been gone for a while. And hes literally saying the same things he was saying to her... but if feels different. But the longer we hang out the more things progress, and get better... but idk how its "not dating". But hes so romantic its hard not to fall for... Your probably right though. Tyyy😊
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 yeah ofc! and honestly dude, i have a friend that i'm so close with that idk how it's not dating. like if you saw us, it'd look real couply. that's a fun type of friendship to have tho! i'm so glad that you have him!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@Ashes123 sry it sent early but i'm really glad you have him in your life! hope it goes great!