Tips and tricks for neater looking alphas!
1 year, 1 month ago by bellavegaa
Hi everyone! Ive just recently started making alphas!! I find it super satisfying and calming, but because i’m new i havent really gotten all the tips and tricks on better alphas..So i was thinking if anyone wanted to share some of their tricks! I have a question, when making alphas, im using the straight edge technique but im struggling with keeping the edge straight all the way down (it gets kinda uneven, some part are more inward and other more outward) Does anyone have aome sort of solution for this or is it just practice? Thank you🥹🥹🥹 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by AlmaLlama
It is also practice, so don't worry, but do you use the same brand/thickness of thread? This could be also a reason for your problem.
1 year, 1 month ago by bellavegaa
Hmm idk!! I’ll check! But thank you!!
Super Moderator
1 year, 1 month ago by KrazyKnotz
I think a key thing is making sure all of your knots have equal tension. Don't make them too tight, but also don't them too loose either. It just takes a bit of practice to get the tension right, and making sure it is consistent throughout the bracelet. 😊
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Yelena09
Something that always helps me, I use a ruler to push my knots so my rows are more even (: And when I use the straight-edge technique, I do fb/bf knots TWICE on the edge. One bf/fb knot to end the row, and then one bf/fb to start the next one : DHope this helps (: |