2024 knotting goals
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by SC00PSAH0Y
the new year is right around the corner!! new years resolutions are very very common and this year i encourage everybody to make some easy & some reach goals for the new year (both bracelet & non bracelet related). the one issue with these goals is unless held too, they are rarely kept up! my goal here is to keep y’all to your goals!!

reply to this forum with some knotting goals and quarterly i will check in with everybody to see how it’s going!!

some goal examples-
• make # or more bracelets
• clear out my todos
• challenge myself each month with a big/difficult pattern
• participate in more challenges
• etc!! there’s so much out there 🤍🤍

happy holidays & happy new years to everyone!!
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by SC00PSAH0Y
my easy goal is to knot consistently! life gets busy but i would like to spend less time on my phone and instead spend that time knotting, even if it’s as little as 10-15 minutes

my reach goal is to clean out my todos! i have SO many saved patterns and i want to make and i want to knock out a good chunk of those this year. i also want to be in less slumps!!
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by Hylia224
My goal is to build up and keep a steady inventory for my shop! (Which is also another 2024 goal, setting that up completely)
I also want to get better at doing Alphas and I want to do that Zelda collection in my todos
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by leviOsa_09
my goals for 2024 are to start selling my bracelets, maybe starting in-person to friends, and build up an inventory, except rustí get so bored with a pattern once i do it once 😴 so right now i’m doing orders but i hope to change it next year!
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by fishyknots
here are some of my goals!

-mainly make alphas
-always have a bracelet in progress/avoid slumps
-make more gifts for friends/family
-finish everything i start

but before i do all this i have to restock my threads 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by MaeveMakes
My Goals
-100 things made by September
- Make my first wallhanging