unpopular opinions 🤔🤔🤔 page 3
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
Waffles>pancakesParmesan cheese tastes like vomit |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
root beer and coffee are disgusting, at this point ppl are saying taylor swift is overrated so much my opinion is unpopular: taylor swift is awesome (i can write and essay to back myself up) pineapple on pizza is terrible, raw fish sushi is a no
11 months, 2 weeks ago by catpotato
I think rats are adorable that’s all
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Cupcakafro
I also don't like beaches!!ALSOOO, I think @Hylia224 I like to call it ✨modern country✨ Cause they still TALK about the same things with the same instruments, it's just got more of a pop funky element XDD Like Jon Pardi Also what you said about the smiley face made me laugh XDDD Me and my friends have a little joke, and we use that emoji when we're going insane inside. Like we use it sarcastically Some of my unpopular opinions: White chocolate is BOMB Country music is BOMB Candy corn is as well The saxophone is amazing Christ is the world's Savior 🤭 Ferrets are underrated Adam Kent is also underrated iykyk Orange juice is overrated I rest my piece. "Luh you bye." |
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow28
Parties are actually pretty boring and remind you of how you are so much different then most peopleMost parties are just people screaming music and I don’t know the music The same thing goes with school dances 🤮 |
9 months, 3 weeks ago by lizp13
Volleyball is overrated pizza is overrated Taylor Swift is awesome roller derby is the best sport ever Pink is overrated (purple is the best color) I live for sprinkles |
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by KuteKat
Pineapple on pizza is amazing. Watermelon is amazing. Steak has a bad texture. School dances suck for so many reasons.
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by KacyM15
@KuteKat yep. pineapple on pizza is amazing, and also, ever since i was little i have liked strawberries on mac and cheese. yes i am 100% aware it sounds awful but i have always liked it, always will.
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Kayla517
Some of mine with food: Burgers > Pizza Oreo can either taste really great or bland Most coffee taste good I don’t get the hype of chicken nuggets Chicken wings taste best when refrigerated |
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by kpn
taylor swift IS NOT all that, 'wokeness' isn't the worst compared to hating everyone, you shouldn't judge pineapple on pizza before you try it, labeling and joking about generations is the worst (the concept of gen z, boomers, millennials, etc.) bc it makes everyone feel bad eventually, Jesus is king, apps where you scroll scroll scroll through short videos stink, coffee is gross, you shouldn't default hate anyone (seems like it should be a popular opinion but honestly the world's so bad at it), metaphors used just to sound cool are dumb, there's no best ice cream flavor, we shouldn't hate on sephora kids but we should be angry at the people who made them think they need skincare at NINE, the : ) to 🙂 feature is frustrating, emoticons are equal to emojis, algebra is alright, geometry is alright, everyone is allowed to their own opinions if it isn't directly hateful towards others, acne isn't bad at all, kumihimo is so cute, any amount of makeup is fine bc they're wearing it for themself, not you, no shame in audiobooks and graphic novels bc if you enjoy them it's not hurting anyone and somebody worked really hard on it anyways but uh yeah that's it lol
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by kpn
just, like... spread love? that's the general idea ⬆️
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Cow28
@kpn i hate the : ) to 🙂 feature toooooo 😭You also had a lot of other good points😄 |
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by kpn
@Cow28 ty 🙇
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Cow28
You shouldn’t hate on Taylor Swift or any other artist for that matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It doesn’t mean you have to be a swiftie or like every artist but you should at least respect them because musicians work hard on their songs
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by fishyknots
Summer is the worst season. Watermelon candy is so bad and also lemon flavored desserts aren’t that good. Chocolate ice cream is terrible. Any class can be bearable as long as you have a friend, and the best classes can suck if you don’t have any.
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by anne7
Plain noodles are better than noodles with stuff on noodles like Mac and cheese, lasagna, baked ziti, etc
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Raynebow8
@anne7 I agree 100%
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Raynebow8
Orange is the worst flavor Green is one of the best colors Nerd is a complement (They are calling you smart so whats wrong with that!?) Nature is prettier than man-made structures (No hate I know we need some of them to survive) Dance is an exercise (It is physical activity) Craft thread is better than embroidery floss Alphas are more fun to make than normals The of the best artists are underrated Duct tape is the best it solves everything Orange and pink looks weird together I don't have a lot of unpopular opinions 😂 ( jk I do) |
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Cat-Lady73
Any temperature below 70 degrees Fahrenheit is cold.Cool whip and whipped cream is better than ice cream. I love ice cream but cool whip and whipped cream is just better. Star Wars isn’t even that good and Star Trek is sooooo much better. I don’t even think Star Wars should count as science fiction. It’s science fantasy at best. Instrumental music is better than lyrical music. Noah is a suspicious name. It should be short for something but it’s not. Noasph? Noasiah? Neither of those sound right but I feel like there should be a longer version. That being said, I don’t trust people named Noah. Guitar is an overrated instrument. I’d pick any and every wind instrument over guitar. Same with ukulele honestly. |
9 months, 2 weeks ago by Cat-Lady73
Sorry my opinions probably aren’t that unpopular lol